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Y/n is currently now can be seen eating while sitting on Dokja's lap.

He's not sure how he got in this situation but he just accepted it.

While he wants to cook for the others earlier, Joonghyuk told him that he could cook instead and told the younger one to rest.

Just as Y/n wanted to sit between Dokja and Joonghyuk to eat, Dokja pull him onto his lap, saying that he don't deserve to sit on the dirty ground.

Y/n refused the gesture earlier, saying that it's embarrassing to be seen by the others like this and it's fair for him to sit on the dirty ground just like the others.

But he eventually gave up as Dokja's hold on his waist is tight, not wanting to let him go.

Ever since the day he returned, both Dokja and Joonghyuk been showering him with their affections.

Joonghyuk had been patting his head often these past few days, offered to cook for Y/n when it's Y/n's turn to cook and asked Y/n to practice with him to hone their swordsmanship.

His gaze towards Y/n softened too.

While Dokja on the other hand often can be seen giving Y/n hugs and bury his face in Y/n's neck everytime he has the chance.

Wether it's from behind, front or from the side.

You can say that Dokja is more bolder while Joonghyuk is taking it slow.

Y/n had a slight trouble accepting the sudden affections that poured down to him but he slowly get used to it.

Y/n felt uneasy at first when Dokja and Joonghyuk being cold to each other while showering him with their affections with their own way.

But after seeing them often talk to each other alone while keep glancing at him, Y/n is guessing that they're getting along.

So he just decided to accept the affectionate actions after seeing they're getting along.

Though, he don't know why Dokja and Joonghyuk fight over him in the first place.

Y/n yawn rub his eyes, about to lie down to sleep after eating a couple of minutes but the sudden of appearance of a blue screen in front of him stopped him.

'This... About the Constellations Banquet? So I got invited?' Y/n look at Dokja and Joonghyuk, who both already staring at him.

At that time, three of them know that they got invited to the Constellation Banquet.


Secretive Plotter blink as he feels the sudden of a new yet familiar presence in his house.

He then smile and turn around as he instantly recognize the person.



He was cutted off by Y/n jumping on him and hug him tight like a koala.

"I miss you! It's been a while since we see each other! How have you been? Did you get along with the other constellations? Oh, what about the kkomas?"

Secretive Plotter softly chukle at Y/n's excitement and return the hug.

"I'm doing fine, Y/n. The others too, just like usual." He points at the Kkomas who stop doing their usual work to wave at Y/n.

"And I rather stay here than meeting the other Constellations. Revealing myself to the Demon-Like Judge Of Fire, Abbysal Black Flame Dragon and the Prisoner Of The Golden Headband is already enough."

Y/n chukle and get down from Secretive Plotter and look around.

"Where's 999 and 41?"

"They're currently busy right now. Probably you will see them in a few hours?" Y/n then brighten as he saw the certain kkoma is cooking like usual.

"Why hello my favourite chef 81! What are you cooking?" 81 just merely glance at him.

"Something you will see about it later." Y/n huff.

"What a busy chef."

Secretive Plotter chuckle and pat the seat beside him, inviting Y/n to sit beside him at the dining table.

"You have to be patient, Y/n. You said you missed his cookings before right? He's been working hard on that when he heard it, only for you to died in the 7th scenario. You can say he's sulking with you right now." Y/n sweatdrop.

"I'm sorry...? I never thought I managed to revived though- ack!" Secretive narrow his eyes as 81 turn around and glare at him.

Y/n flinch as he suddenly feels a light sting on his forehead.

Secretive Plotter just flicked his forehead.

"Wrong response, Y/n."

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