Chapter 31

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"I love you Y/N"

Those words of Jungkook were phenomenal for you when you now think of it.

Nevertheless it's been a month since that incident and you have accepted his proposal with zero doubts after he showed efforts in the past month. There is still no sign of Taehyung in the city but his thought was replaced by Jungkook on your mind. Taehyung didn't call you these days and you too did the same thing, there was a strange ego working between the two of you. But that didn't make you sad or impatient and that's only because of Jungkook.

Everything that Taehyung did for you is now done by Jungkook, from picking you up for college to dropping you back home, buying groceries going to the gaming centre to play games he did everything to make you happy.

You looked keenly at the mirror brushing away all the unrequired thoughts and concentrated only in your dress. It's a Sunday and Jungkook has arranged a date for you.

A dark green baggy street style junk top and a pair of black shorts was all you could select as your date outfit. It was hard for you to choose because Jungkook was a walking fashion show, his sense of fashion never fails to surprise you so to match with his aura you had to reach that level. Jungkook  doesn't like heavy glossy stuff for casual hangouts and he has a knack for oversized tops and skinny bottoms so you followed the flow and wore accordingly. It was fashionable yet casual with a touch of sexiness, you looked effortlessly good in that outfit and it perfectly fitted with his taste plus green was his favorite colour so you had already hit the jackpot.

You were not a makeup master so you kept it simple, boys tend to like the natural face of a girl more. Only a slight blow dry on the hair, a little concealer and primer, a perfect cat eye liner, mascara and a lip balm to complete the look.

You picked up your casual sling bag and tapped on your phone to see the time. You were not running late infact you had kind of half an hour left for Jungkook to come and pick you up. It was your first date and you were hella excited. Usually girls dress up like a chick princess when they go out on a special day with their boyfriend but you were off stream with your outfit and look. And it was all because of Jungkook, he likes it more if a girl is not much dramatic and very much cool, even the destination for your date was weird. Couples usually go to some romantic place for the first time but both of you chose a theme park where you can have fun more than romance. Jungkook 's eyes popped out with amazement at the past when you picked the theme park as a hangout spot, he couldn't believe a girl would hit his taste.

~Ding Dong~

The bell rang catching you off guard.

Jungkook came so early?

You frowned as you checked the time at your phone. You took quick steps to open the door thinking that it was Jungkook but when you saw the actual person ringing the bell it left you dumbstruck.

It was your childhood friend, your annoying ex tutor, your dumbass caretaker who called you a bitch and got kicked out from your heart. It was Mr Kim Taehyung standing with all his eboy grace and a faint smile.

You paused for a moment not expecting him to come just like that in front of your apartment's after disappearing for two weeks. You made a blank face while watching him checking you out with his eyes.

"Hi, how are you doing it's been a month" he nervously smile and you didn't wanted to spoil your date mood by screaming at him over past issues, so you let it go and forgive him.

"Where did you disappear suddenly?" you asked.

"I went to busan for a while, Mom hurt her ankle badly and was in the hospital, there was no one to take care of so I went" he replied and smiled "She is doing good now".

You were startled and really felt bad about Taehyung's mom's accident "My god why didn't tell me that before?" you asked.

"I thought you were mad at me so I didn't call" he looked down at toes and nervously rubbed his neck.

"That was a lame excuse" you sighed and he looked up.

"Yeah maybe" he once again looked at your attire and frowned. "Are you going somewhere?" he asked and you looked at the other way trying to ignore the question because you didn't want to give the answer.

You were certain that Taehyung would react even in the mildest form if he hears about Jungkook which would be impossible for you take because somehow both the boys are important to you and you don't understand what enmity does the two of them share and you don't wanna be a part of it.

Taehyung understood that you were ignoring so he didn't forced on the question because unwantingly he had hurt you once in the past and he doesn't want to interfere in your freedom anymore.

"I know you had problem when I was out, sorry for that" he pretended to not to care about what he asked before and smiled.

"No not much, atleast I should learn doing my stuff when you are not around" you replied hiding the fact that it was Jungkook who helped you throughout the days.

"Oh good" he smiled.

"Wanna have a drink? I a few boxes of banana milk in my fridge?" you offered as he rested his butt on the sofa.

"Woah sure! It would be great!" he smiled while scrunching his nose and looked like a baby.

You walked to the kitchen and constantly checked on the time as it was getting closer. You desperately wanted Jungkook to be late because you don't want the two of them to clash again.

You opened the door of the fridge and bent down to pull a carton from the lot and just then a voice that you loved ranged behind your ears.

"Y/N I am here are you ready...."

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