Chapter 12

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Authors POV

His hands clasped across her hips bending her over the table, his hands smoothly penetrating her insides.

"I... I can't do this"  her eyes glossened as the pleasure stopped, her voice breaking down, her body thundering.

" What's wrong Snowflake?" The hands glided down her hair, patting it ever so slightly.

"I am afraid" the sorrows of her cries swept the room.

"Of what snowflake?" The comfort of his hands drying off those tears brought her face to a red dew.

"To fall for you! To love you, to cherish you! I'm afraid... To fall for you."
Her voice finally broke off from its confident environment to that of fear and lost of hope.

"It's okay sweetheart... Love isn't meant to happen in a single day. For a fact, we will only be physical when you want , when you are ready for it okay? But don't ever forget that you will always be loved by me." Echoes of comfort shined the room as a hint of smile tinted her face.

"Can I stay in your room tonight?"
Flabbergasted. That could be seen on his face as his lips curled up.

"Yes... Yes snowflake! You don't need to ask me twice. Do you want me to stay with you?" He simpered.

"No No... It's okay! " She nibbled on her lower lip.

"Oh okay. Let me show you the way." A smile crept on his face as he directed her way to his room.

"It's beautiful! Thank you for letting me stay." She embraced him in a side hug as the reached the door of his room.

"Anyday Snowflake." His hands slipped out of her hair as his lips twitched up in a smile, he forwarded his steps to one of the other rooms, opposite to that which she was staying in.


The door slammed close leaving her with a scowl look on her face with a smirk daunting her.

She paced her way to his bed, placing the micro camera in a hidden spot.
Her eyes drew across all the objects in the room, her hands explored each and every letter, every corner of the room trying to find that one knife that will prove it all.

If not here then where?

The thoughts taunted her mind. She rattled through all the items yet not finding the knife flushed her face with regret.

His office?
Oh damn yes! He wouldn't place such an important thing in his bedroom.

She put together the art she messed and tip toed across the hall, trying to make as less sound as possible.

Her eyes lit up as she found his office, her hands pulled the door but it did nothing but leave a red mark behind.

"Snowflake?" At this moment she knew she was deliberately fucked.

She turned her head towards him and let out a small chuckle as if just a miscellaneous offence.

"What are you doing outside my office?" The moonlight shinned on his tanned skin showing the scars that have taken account on him.

"I was trying to look for some water. I just couldn't find any." An oblivious tension spread across her face as her voice turned hew.

"There was water in the room." His words sounded as if ice spoke itself.

"I didn't see. I'm sorry for disturbing you." She looked at him with her dazed doe eyes letting him break the eye contact.

"It's okay. Get to sleep Snowflake." The voice came back to that of comfort.

Her footsteps echoed the hall as she mentally killed herself for being that stupid and forgetting to take off her payaal.

Vikram POV

Oh Snowflake! How I wish I didn't have the urge to slice out those big doe eyes of yours right now. Yet, I'm going to wait a bit. Cause the night is still young.

I enter the code to my office as my footsteps branched across the room.
I kneel down in front of a wall.
It was not any ordinary wall, it had a compartment, a secret compartment.

I open up the compartment the iron cluster divined with splashed blood shined under the light.
I place my hand on the gold litted handle picking up the dagger.

Itsy bitsy Snowflake!
I would love to love you but alas your blood must shine. What a pity!

Author POV

The clock ticked at three a.m. making him aware of his surroundings he peacefully reached the door of his bedroom, his hand still shining with the golden dagger.

The door was ever so slightly opened, making sure she had not woken up.
He neared her bed, sliding on top of her.

Her eyes flashed open as she placed her own silver dagger on his neck as he almost choked her with his golden one.

"So you woke up snowflake? Or were you never asleep?" His lips twitched up into a smirk as the silver dagger was twitching on his neck.

" Your thoughts keep me awake each and every moment alive."  A hearty chuckle left his lips as a wincing moan left her body.

The dagger was just an inch away from taking their lives.
"You came to my house prepared? So you knew it was going to happen? Oh so smart! Are you sweetheart?" 
His fake smile taunted her as his sarcastic voice ruined her complexion.

"Get me this, you invite me and you try to kill me? Interesting is it?" She twitched her brows as her face was plasted with a fake smile.

"Leave me and I'll leave you." The voice calmy collected the atmosphere as the daggers softened their holds.

Still on top of her, he placed a soft peck on her lips and paced out the room.

Amaira gathered herself together, her mind scattered with thoughts of harm.
Task failed.

She felt stupid. Ignorant. For the fact that she assumed that he would trust her. Oh so dumb!

She clasped her hands together as she went back inside her car. Her mind still troubled with his thoughts and her further endeavours.

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