Chapter Four-Fraternity boys; (Afternoon; Day Eight)

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"Yo, Cletus! Are we gonna go to that camp? Phi Kappa Kappa?", Markus asked. "That's a white camp; that's not an African-American camp", Cletus answered. He dragged on a cigarette.

      "Maybe we can go to Zeta Zeta Zeta", Markus said.  "That's a dork camp", Cletus said. "Then let's go to Phi Kappa Kappa", Markus said. "Fine, let's go!", Markus smiled, as he drove onward, as the first drops of windy rain fell in the Louisiana well as the grimy roads...that threatened to sour their trip for the afternoon.


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Sorority Camp Part 9 A novel by Robert HelligerWhere stories live. Discover now