Inanimate Insanity: Puppet Edition

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*Milk Carton brings Paper and OJ into the living room, where a bunch of cushions are set down around the couch. Some of the other contestants are sitting in these seats. In front of the TV was a cardboard box stage, with a few paper puppets resembling the contestants, were lying next to it.*

Milk Carton:
C'mon, Papa Paper! Papa OJ!

Okay, sweetie! Okay! I wonder what she's planning...

Any of you guys know?

*The other contestants shook their heads, responding with "no"s and "nopes." OJ sighed as he sat down at a vacant spot next to Pickle, who had Nakiri Knife sitting in his lap.*

Hey, where's Jalapeño?

I noticed the puppets and...figured he didn't want to get involved. Nakiri's too young to understand, so...he'll just think this is some sort of fairytale.

And...You're okay with watching this?

*Pickle seemed to ponder something for a moment, before the lights suddenly turned off. The children ran behind the cardboard theater, except for Blue Raspberry, who's shining a flashlight on the theater. Painty Jr. comes out from behind the cardboard box*

Painty Jr:
Ladies, gentlemen and neither. Papas, mamas, and noddies. Welcome to the show, where we will be showing you the best show you've ever experienced! Now without further ado, we in Hotel OJ like to present...Inanimate Insanity: Retold!

*Painty crawled back into the cardboard theater as the parents all clapped.*

Painty Jr.:
This story takes place on, uhh...noddy?

Inanimate Island, kid.

Painty Jr:
Oh, ok. Inanimate Island!

*Milk Carton and the other kids hold up some paper puppets towards the box's opening, presenting them to everyone outside.*

OJ, look! That's me!

Booo!! Where are we?! Worst play I've ever seen! Yang! We have to be here to support our daughter!

Red Envelope:
Quit interrupting the play, papa Yang, or I'm give your puppet a funny dress!

Jokes on you, I've worn dresses before! WHEN??

Hey, quiet down! Don't distract my lil' Ducky.

Painty Jr:
...Otay, anyway...the inanimate island was full of alot of people, who liked to play and get along and have so much fun! They were all friends on this island!

*Nickel looked at Balloon, and then cleared his throat a bit without him noticing*

Painty Jr:
And then, one day...Poof!

*Wax Sealer holds up a Mephone puppet*

Wax Sealer:
"Hello! I am Grandpa Mephone! I will give one of you a bunch of money if you be my servants and do my bidding!"

That's not how it went, Waxy!

That's how I remember it.

*Balloon chuckled*

Painty Jr:
And so, Mephone made them all fight for a bunch of money! And whenever they lost-

Red Envelope:

*Rubber Ducky poked his head up, looking at a puppet of Paper before beginning to eat it.*

Eek! A-At least it's not the dolphins...

*OJ pat Paper on the back*

*It began to show a small montage of different scenes from season 1, reinsured by paper dolls. Apple and Bow joining the game, Paper's evil counterpart, and Mephone4s's arrival. Eventually, they nearly reached the end.*

Painty Jr.:
And in the final battle, it was between Taco and Uncle OJ!  It was a close battle, but soon...Uncle OJ won! And everyone was so happy for him! HORRAY!

*OJ just chuckled and rubbed the back of his head, before looking over at Pickle. He was frowning, as if he knew what was about to come...Milk Carton noticed that frown on his face, and turned over to her side to see an evil Taco puppet. She frowned...*

Painty Jr:
But then...Milky, you gotta bring out bad Taco...

Milk Carton:
...No, Painty. I have an idea.

*A while later, a paper puppet of Mephone5 appeared behind the opening in the box*

Painty Jr:
The evil Mephone5 appeared and attacked Grandpa Mephone and auntie Bow! POW! POOF! They're gone now...but Grandpa Mephone4s made a great sacrifice...he gave up his life to bring grandpa Mephone back to life!

*OJ looked over at Pickle, who seemed to have a surprised, but curious look on his face.*

Painty Jr:
And with everyone who was gone revived, Uncle OJ opened a biiiig hotel, and everyone lived happily ever after! The end!

*The parents all applauded as the children stepped out of the cardboard box, taking a bow. A while later, the children began picking up their theater and their puppets when they were approached by Fan and Pickle.*

That was a BEAUTIFUL show, kids. Really, stunning. I give it a...9/10 for effort!

Moldy Cheese:
Hey, why not a 10? We worked so hard!

Well, you DID mischaracterize a lot of the cast and the plot could've been a LITTTLE bit more close to the source material, but I'd give it a solid 9!

It's daddy's critical mind...

Milk Carton:
And...what did you think, Uncle Pickle?

It was...great. I really enjoyed it, you guys.

*Pickle paused for a bit, and then smiled.*

I knew they'd like it!

Painty Jr:
We're planning on making a sequel, we're gonna bring in eeeeeveryone! Ooh, and we're going to upgrade to paper bags so that-

*The kids' conversation died out into the background, focusing more on Milk Carton and Pickle*

Hey...Milk Carton?

Milk Carton:

...Thanks. For not...bringing up the past...the bad parts, I mean.

Milk Carton:
You're welcome. I know you get sad about miss Taco...

*Pickle pat Milk Carton on the head. The skit ended with Jalapeño sitting outside of the doorway, peeking in through a crack in the door...*

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