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*It starts with Sapling in their pot sleeping on the windowsill. Red Envelope suddenly picks up their pot and lifts them up, waking them up.*

Red Envelope:
Morning, Sappy! Floory said I could take you on a walk today!


Red Envelope:
Don't worry, I promised him I'd be entirely safe! You trust me, right?

*Sapling just turned their head*

Red Envelope:
Great! Cuz' no one else does! Except Moldy Cheese, Rubber Ducky, and maybe everyone else on a good day.

*Red Envelope went over to the front door and set Sapling down into the wagon*

Red Envelope:
Hold on tight. It's gonna be a bumpy ride!


*Red Envelope began wheeling the wagon around the island, remembering to stay close to the hotel. They went to some notable locations like the lake, the elimination area, the lemon trees, and the 60 ft cliff.*

Red Envelope:
It's fun to be out here when you're not committing crimes, right Sappy?


*Red Envelope suddenly spots Daisy and Clover up ahead. Clover is putting Daisy onto her head, while her pet butterflies are surrounding her*

You ready, sweet-pea?


Red Envelope:
Hi, Daisy!

Hi, Red!

Oh, didn't expect to see you up so early, Red Envelope. You going to school early too?

Red Envelope:
Ew no. Floory said I could take Sapling on a walk this morning before school. Why are you going to school early...?

Oh, well, Daisy woke up earlier than usual, so I figured I'd just take her to school. It at least takes some weight off Cabby's shoulders, right?

And I like flying!

Red Envelope:
Oooh...I wish I could fly to school. But my dads don't know how to...Papa Yang could throw me, but I don't think that's safe...

Uh...y-yeah, probably not! Well, we should probably get going. Don't want Daisy here to be late.

Wait, can Red come with us? I wanna have someone to fly with.

Red Envelope:
I wanna, but I got finish my walk with Sapling. We can fly back on the way home.

Oh...okay. See you at school, Reddy.

See you later then, Red! Alright, let's flyyyyy!

*Clover was lifted up by her butterflies and flown off into the sky, disappearing into the horizon. Red Envelope waved as they went.*

Red Envelope:
Okay, Sapling, let's hurry and finish so I can see Dais-

*Red Envelope turns around to see Sapling is no longer in the wagon...*

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