The collector

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"Alast'r, how art thee?  It's been a while" zestial greeted the radio demon.

"Oh you know. Just the simpler things in life my good man." Alastor responded, twirling his cane around

"You've nev'r did attend carmilla parties.  Wherefore art thee joining this timeth 'round? hast alast'r learn'd of the ancient ov'rl'rd joining and that gent becameth curious?" Zestial flashed what's under his coat "Bid me, didst alast'r assume that gent did get those folk all at which hour that gent first did land in hell? oth'r than myself, of course.  Thee don't needeth w'rry.  This ov'rl'rd is cutteth from a diff'rent gem.  Wherefore the lady still pref'rs alive human souls instead of the dead ones"

"You'd think I've heard of her " Alastor smirked

"Don't speaketh about the collecteth'r liketh yond.  The lady is one of the 'riginal ov'rl'rds down h're in hell.  Rum'r has't, the lady madeth a dealeth with the m'rningstar family and wast able to receiveth m're p'rmissions into the living w'rld.  The collecteth'r maketh deals with the living and their soul is h'rs at which hour those gents kicketh the bucket " zestial continued on, walking with Alastor into carmillas building.

Carmilla must have heard word because the entire room was decorated as if a Royal was throwing a party.

"Zestial, my friend. How are you?" Carmilla asked, walking towards him and Alastor "Alastor? You're joining as well? I've never seen you at one of these"

"I'm well, carmilla.  How art thee? this lodging looks lively tonight" zestial bowed at the weapons dealer.

"Oh you know, wanted to see what the fuss is all about my dear" Alastor grinned, looking around.

"Yes right. We don't know when she will arrive but I'm prepared to meet this woman." Carmilla continued on "I believe this is the first woman overlord?"

"Yes" zestial nodded "The collecteth'r wast an fusty cousin of mineth.  The lady wast an enigma once ent'ring hell"

"And now presenting. The champagne tower" one of carmillas goon stood on a latter. He popped open the bottle, pouring into the first glass and letting it trickle down. The golden liquid sparkles underneath all the lights. All overlords attending were in awe at this presentation.

"Oh look. How lovely" Valentino smirked, taking a drag of his cigarette.

"I could have simply set down some glasses of course but I thought the presentation might impress her" carmilla smiled at the look.

"Maam, I have the hors d'oeuvres" another goon said while shaking. They were completely frightened by all the overlords gathered around them. They stepped on their shoelace, throwing the tray into the beautiful display while falling into the latter causing the other goon to fall, throwing the champagne bottle into the air as they fell.

It was as if slow mo began. The glasses started to fall while the two goons were in mid air.

Suddenly though, a black tail coat appeared out of nowhere. Taking a closer look, a woman with s/c and crimson eyes was grabbing each glass, not spilling a drop. At inhumane speeds, the glasses returned back onto the display. She twirled around, catching all glasses until the tower was back to normal. This woman seemed to have gotten ahold of the champagne bottle and with a quick movement, she was down on one knee the champagne bottle caught the tray and the food was safe. After the fiasco, the woman looked up, her h/c h/l hair perfectly styled flowing behind her with the gust of air she caused. She stood back up with a smile, holding the tray and setting the wine bottle down.

She was wearing a black tailcoat and vest. All underneath was a white dress shirt and tie. She had on a long black skirt that hugged her curves just right with black dress shoes. She had on a pair of white gloves. She bowed to the overlords around her.

"So what just happened" vox was a little confused and impressed.

"Please pardon me ladies and gentleman. This particular vintage is a bit on the bubbly side. So I talked with the wait staff prior to give it a little more of a nice decanting" the woman smiled a bit, her red eyes looking around

"Uh who are you" Vox was a little taken a back. She looked as if she was a part of wait staff, they weren't supposed to talk much

"Ah yes. I assumed most of those I once knew were officially gone. Except for you, of course, zestial. Pleasure to see you again" the woman walked more into the middle of the group standing around and watching "my name is y/n. Pleasure to be meeting you all. If you have any questions, I would be honored to answer them"

Y/n walked over to zestial, almost gliding in her steps.

"Things sure have changed since the last time I've been back" y/n looked over to overlords around then back at zestial. Next to the Shakespearean demon was an interesting demon. Y/n looked him up and down and nodded

"I see where all our friends went" she smirked at the radio demon.

"I do completely apologize for that" Alastor chuckled

"Nonsense. Things change." Y/n reassured his condescending lie.

"I'm Alastor. Pleasure to meeting you my dear, quite the pleasure" they shook hands.

"It's been a while since i've seen thy visage.  How has't thee been? i desire the living w'rld hast did treat thee well.  What art thee doing backeth down h're?" Zestial was invested in talking with her. Alastor had joined in the conversation

"I have been well. My contract with a previous client has ended and I thought to take a small earned vacation before heading back. It's crazy to see how the advancements of technology seems to jump down here just as fast" she took a look around "I find the looks here to be much more different than what it used to be like. However it's been 400 years since I've stepped foot in hell."

Zestial nodded and parted ways with y/n. He only wanted to show up and say hi to her. They'll probably hang out at some point.

Y/n just stood with her hands behind her back, staring at everything. Observing everyone. Back in the day, overlords weren't so aggressive about their physical appearance. They did look different but they were more close to their human forms than sinners were.

"I take things are quite unusual for you hmm" Alastor tried to start up conversation with the woman.

"A little strange but like I said before, things change." Y/n looked up at the red bean stick.

"I suppose so. I've overheard some rumors about you" he cooed

"What's that?"

"You are on a leash with the morningstars"

Y/n glared at him then stared back ahead "no. Not at all, my soul is very much free to be stolen. I worked for them, that is correct."

"What did you do" he was trying to pull information out of her.

"Why do you want to know so much about my history with them, Alastor? Very impolite if you ask me." Y/n walked off.

"Seems I struck a nerve" Alastor smirked

Story ideas for hazbin hotel (xreaders could be Alastor or Lucifer) Where stories live. Discover now