One Shot. c:

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So, I'm a writer. Well, duh. That was an obvious statement. But, as a writer, I get the well known writer's block. And that's well known with everyone because it happens to everyone. So, I figure, for aside for the times I feel like just doing some one shots, I'll do one shots for when I can't think of anything for a main story.

If you decide that you like my writing and would like a one shot, I'm more than willing to do so for you, but you gotta leave me a comment with the following;

Character; Actor, Character, Band Member, whoever you'd like.

Your name, unless you just want it to be, "you".

Age you would like to be.


Eye color.

Hair color and style.

Brief description of your personality.

What would you like to happen in the one shot? (I can pretty much do anything, including smut. I apologize if the smut turns out to be something you don't like.)

Friendship, relationship, or friends with benefits?

What is your job?

If there is anything else you'd like specifically put in that I can't think of, please let me know.

The only one shots I refuse to do, are Justin Beiber, just sayin'.

Hope you enjoy my writing and thanks for your time. (:

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