Hayley Williams: Hey, Why Not?

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You pushed your way through the clausterphobic-filling crowd, trying to find your way to the front of the crowd. The security guard accepting tickets to the Paramore concert in an abandoned field stared at you blankly, so blank you weren't sure what to do. "Ticket, ma'am," He sighed, obviously exhausted and tired of his job. You don't blame him. You look at him awkwardly, "I don't... have one. Hayley invited me here..." You know he would never by that, but it was the truth. You got a random call from her manager last night (Don't think your  stupid, because you're not. You have studied who her manager is and what he sounds like), saying that she wants you to come in. You don't know why you, because she has no idea who you are, but you'll do anything to see Paramore. The security guard's eyebrows raise, "Really? Miss Williams invited you to a concert...?" He asks sarcastically, looking at you like you were stupid. You nod, trying to ignore the mans rudeness. He thinks for a second before shaking his head, "Please leave and stop wasting my time." 

You stare at him before sulking away. What a jerk. You push your way through the crowd who continued on like a blur, walking to the edge of the street and plopping down. Your skinny jeans tight against your legs and the hem rises up in the back, trying to reveal your buttcrack, but you manage to pull my long black tank top shirt over it, not revealing anything thankfully. Your mid-back length black gleams in the sunlight as you stare at the gravel and cars in front of you. You decide it'd be more comfortable to sit on the grass hill across the parking lot. 

You glummily walk over to the grass hill and lay down. Good thing your jeans are a deep blue. You put your arms behind your head and gaze at the clouds, your ocean blue eyes gazing at all the shapes, curious about what could've happened if he believed you. A part of you wanted to cry, you were a bit upset, and this concert was going to be something you could depend on to have a good time. You were still kind of weirded out about Hayley saying she wanted you there, but you were willing enough to see why. It's Hayley Williams, the lead singer of Paramore, of course you were willing.

While you daydream about Hayley and what it'd be like to acheive your dreams of singing with her, you hear a familiar voice talk toward you. "Hey, you!" The familiar voice whispered. You shook your head, dismissing it before and went back to your thoughts. But you heard the voice again, "Hello?" You look over to struggle to see a blur of a person, the sun so bright shining in your eyes. You hover your hand above them trying to see who's talking to you. A thin, somewhat tall woman stood in front of you. Her red hair in ringlets, a remotely relatively close outfit to mine. Her skinny jeans being black and her tank top being purple. Her light blue sweatshirt covered her shoulders. You don't know why but you couldn't put a name with the face, but you knew you knew her. 

"Hi," You said shyly. You sat up, still looking at the woman trying to talk to you. "I've been waiting for you, why aren't you in the concert area? Did Gregg not let you in?" She asked. You stared at her blankly, not sure what the heck she was talking about. But then it hit me after a minute of a single blank stare. Hayley Williams is talking to you. "Uh, can I ask a question?" You decide to ask right away. "Yeah, sure," Hayley says sweetly, her thumbs rested in her front pant loops. You stand up quickly, in front of her. She begins walking toward the long line across the parking lot. "I actually have two questions," You blurt. She nods approvingly, as you follow.

"Well, my first question is," You pause for a moment, not suring how to word the question. You awkwardly walk in silence, hitting the crowd before you can ask. "Why did you invite me?" You managed to blurt. People look at you like you're an idiot. She turned and looked as she continued to walk in, noticing that you're struggling through the crowd. She quickly grabbed ahold of your hand and pulled you through the crowd. You remain quiet as she pulls you to behind the stage where the rest of the band is fooling around with instruments. She let go of your hand and you stand against the wall of the stage. She stands in front of you with a smile. She reaches into her back pocket and pulls it out. "Your best friend sent me this. She said that you have a dream that involves me, not perverted of course. But that you'd really like to see one of my concerts. So, I figured, hey, why not? But there's more," She grinned. You blush softly, embarrassed, trying to keep your cool, but on the inside, you were bursting with love and joy. The next time you see your best friend you know you're going to have to do something to make up for what she did.

You look down at you shoes, contemplating on what Hayley is about to say. "Apparently, you have a dream that you'd love to sing with me, is that correct? You've done multiple talent shows, even tried out for America's Got Talent? You have some guts, girl," She smiled, impressed. She giggles quietly. "Can I see what you got, before I decide to just sing with a stranger?" She asked politely. You look at her confused, and not quite sure what's she's even wanting or what she's looking for. "Wh-hat song?" You managed to whisper to her. "Any one of my songs. Go for it," She says, backing up, pointing to the dead area as if it were a stage. A smile quivers onto your face as you look up slowly to her. You aren't sure what to sing, but you soon find yourself singing Misery Business. "I'm in the business of misery, let's take it from the top. She's got a body like an hourglass it's ticking like a clock..." You contine to sing somewhat quietly, but she allows you to keep going. And to her amazment you end up unexpectedly begin belting the chorus. The rest of the band looks at you, stopping their current distraction. Hayley stares at you dumbfoundedly. "I like you," She says, smirking.

"Can you sing with me?" She asks, her jaw slightly agape. You were surprised with her asking, and even her being amazed, because you knew you were no singer. But apparently she enjoyed your singing enough to ask you to sing. You stare at her surprised, your jaw slightly agape as well. "Uh, sure," You reply. She nods her head, looking at the band, who's still staring at you. "Give me a beat," She demands from them. They all get ready to give them a beat, and in doing so play 'Butterflies' by Automatic Loveletter. She bursts into song, going on. You quickly join in on the chorus and we rock out together, singing as best we can, of course you can't even compare. But the experience made you feel amazing, that she'd even consider singing with you. 

You soon finished singing, and you began to feel butterflies in your stomach. She was so amazing. Not the butterflies of, "Oh my gosh, I like you." It's more of the, "I can't believe that just happened, that's so amazing," type of butterflies. You began giggling, not knowing what else to say, but she had a concert that was about to start and you needed to take your seats. You got to sit right in front, and every time a really good part in the song came up, she'd look at you and smile. About a year before this experience, if anyone had told you that you'd be singing with Hayley Williams and that that would start a friendship that would last for the rest of your life, you'd tell them they were nuts.

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