Case Snedecor: Changed Mind

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You're sitting on the tan couch, tears falling from your eyes, staining your cheeks. You're shaking like a leaf. 'This kind of made me uncomfrotable, haha.' You had a gut feeling inside of you. 'I didn't mean for that,' you think to yourself. You quickly tweet him that you wrote the One Shot. Not even two minutes later, he tweets you back. 'Why'd you write this?' You read. You shrug your shoulders helplessly. "I don't fucking know," you whisper aloud. You grab the laptop and put it down on the coffee table in front of you. 'Why'd he have to read mine? Why not someone else's?' You question.

You climb off the couch and quickly walk to the bathroom, rubbing at your soaked face still sobbin. Thankfully, you're currently home alone. you run the water in the bathroom and put your hands under the cold water. you quickly splash the water against your face, the water turning your face into an ice cube.

You hear a knock at the door, making you curious with who it is. You quickly open it, not caring who it is. You reveal Alex Gaskarth at the door, a green t-shirt loosely hanging over his deep blue skinny jeans, his hair all disheveled. "What do you want?" You ask frustratedly to your best friend. He's been your best friend forever now. He stares at you for a few minutes, his eyes glistening and pushes passed you, taking a seat on the couch. "What's wrong?" You shake your head, "Nothing." He shakes his head in return, "Case?" you flinch, tears threatening to pool over.

He stands up quickly and pulls you into his arms. "You gonna be okay?" You shake your head no, letting him hold you, "No! I like him so much. My feelings for him are completely intense and he doesn't even know who I am! Plus, I freaking mad him uncomfortable!" Alex looks at you confused.

You quickly tell him the story. When you're done, he walks to the bathroom and closes the door. You go to the couch and plop down. He walks back out, holding out his phone. "Jack wants to talk to you," He says, handing you the phone. You hesitantly grab the phone. "He-hello?" You've talked to Jack so many times now, but you have a gut feeling. "Hey, Alora?" You hear a voice say, but it's ovious it's not Jack's. "Who is this?" You ask, glaring at Alex. "Uhh, it's Case," You register who it is seconds after he answers. "Oh, hi," You reply, not knowing what to say, starting to shake. "I was just curious if we could hang out sometime; Alex has told me a lot about you. So, I became curious off of what he has said," He tells you, butterflies popping out as you quietly fangirl to Alex while he grins stupidly at you. You take a deep breath, "Sure. When would you like to meet?" You quickly ask. "How about now?" He asks, as you hear a knock at the door. 

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