Tennant; About Time

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You stormed into the TARDIS, stomping your feet as if you were a five year old. You wanted to go visit your family before another alien attacks and share your stories. Not to mention, you wanted to talk with your best friend face-to-face about how the feelings were growing for The Doctor; but he told you no. The Doctor followed you, his hair disheveled and glistening brown, his chocolate eyes following your footsteps. He somehow managed to find you completely adorable but refused to let it show. He too, had feelings for you, but you didn't know it... Yet.

You turned around, the Doctor almost running into you. "Hey, watch it," You said, in your best faked annoyed voice. You weren't truly annoyed, because you knew it meant more time with him, but at the same time you were frustrated because it had been a long while since last visiting your friends and family. You quickly sat down, cross legged, crossing your arms and looking up at him, an unpleased look upon your face. He couldn't help but beam a grin down at you. He crossed his arms staring down at you. "Are you going to just sit here until we land in another year and planet?" His voice filled the silent TARDIS, it echoing with his accent. You loved his accent, being from the States. You didn't get to hear it that much in person, but since meeting the Doctor you've been driven crazy. You've even managed to find out that you've been able to pick up on it once in a while.

Laughing, the Doctor sat down in front of you, mocking you. You couldn't help but grin, quickly forcing it back to an unpleased face. "We'll go visit them soon," He said, chuckling back. "I promise." He unfolded his arms and placed a hand on your knee. You looked down at it, looking back at him. You slightly smirked, wishing it was among other places instead of your knee. You noticed that today he was wearing black converse instead of black, slightly questioning but you leave it be. He was still wearing converse, which you loved. You loved his sense of style, it was just another thing so perfect about the Doctor.

He stood up, removing his hand from your knee. A part of you frowned inside, but you didn't let it show. You weren't sure how to react if you truly told him exactly how you felt, even though it was pretty obvious in the end. He kept his feelings to himself though, which drove you crazy at times. As much as you understood that he didn't want to lose one more companion, you wanted to know how he felt. The thought of him never regenerating again, killed you inside, knowing he'd be dead. You sort of wondered if he felt the same, but you never let it bother you too much. He stuck out his hand to offer helping you up, which you take it, standing up, dusting yourself off. He tugged on your hand pulling you into a hug. You weren't quite expecting it, but you wrapped your arms around him tightly, resting your head against his chest. You could hear both of his heartbeats. He kissed the top of your head, pulling back. "I never break my promises, and you know that. I do my best to keep them." 

You nodded, letting go of him. You turned around and walked away, around the heart of the TARDIS. As you continued walking back to The Doctor who had taken a few steps forward, his hands in his pockets obviously in thought as he stared at the floor, you end up tripping in front of him, falling onto your back and in the process, he grabs your hand to attempt at pulling you up, but you end up pulling him down next to you. You lay there for a few minutes in silence, his chuckles filling the TARDIS. You feel ridiculous and embarrassed. "You're so bloody adorable," He chimes. You feel your face flush as you look over at him. He's still laying there, his body shaking as he continues to chuckle. Then it ceases quickly. "Did I just say that?" He whispers. He looks over at you, your eyes wide. Your stomach flushes with butterflies swarming and feasting. 

"Yes... Yes you did," I returned the whisper. He gave you an honest grin, and then a straight thinking face. You weren't sure how to take it, but you knew he had honestly just called you adorable. With his accent. You knew you could kiss him right now, but you decided against it because you weren't sure how the situation would end. "I love you -insert name-," You hear the oh so familiar voice whisper, filling the TARDIS as if he had yelled it. You stared at him, your eyes even wider. "I know you feel the same because of how often you get my attention, and how often you attempt at saving me when I get into danger," He continues. "I've kept it quiet for so long, because I can't stand losing another companion. As much as I know I'll forever be alone, I will forever find another companion. But for right now, I'm enjoying you as mine, -insert first name-." Your heart flutters and flies out of your chest. 'What had he just said?' You thought to yourself. You thought to yourself it might be a joke. He had never admitted how he felt before. About any companion, you had learned that the hard way. 

"Or you could not respond, that's okay too." He laid back on his back, looking up at the top of the TARDIS, his hands placed still in his pockets. You didn't want to be clingy, or any more than what you have already felt toward him. He was the most perfect man... Well, Timelord you had ever met. And all you wanted to do in your life is travel around with him through time and space. Literally. You weren't quite sure what to say. You coughed, clearing your throat. "Uhm. Same." Was the only thing you could manage to come out of your mouth. You facepalmed and he chuckled loudly. "Again. Bloody adorable." He quickly jumped up, racing towards the switch through time, ready for another adventure. "Where to, Miss?" He grinned at you, as you stood up to see what he was doing. You smiled a genuine smile, "It's your turn to pick, I chose last time."


I apologize if this turned out to be crap. I originally was going to write this as smut/erotica, but I decided against it. So, I hoped you did like it and I'm just being paranoid. c:

P.S. I know I didn't hit spot on for how Tennant's personality was. Especially for when he admitted his feelings. But.. what if that is how he would tell you as his companion that he felt more for you? o:

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