Alex Gaskarth: Merry Christmas

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You sat on your bunk staring out the window that on the outside had beads of water all over it. You could clearly hear the sound of rain from inside the tour bus. Jack's snoring came from inside as well. All Time Low had provided funds for you to go with them on tour because you had provided your artistic skills for more ideas on emblems, because they wanted to change it. Not to mention, you had been Jack's best friend for the longest time and he wanted you there. Your bunk was put in a different area of the tour bus. The boys' bunks were still in the same positions. 

You were curled up under your red fuzzy blanket that said love all over it. The boys continuously made fun of you for having it, because it was too, "Femalish", as Rian put it. What made it better is when you told Cassadee. She punched him and made him apologize. As you stared at the rain drops falling, building even more mist upon the window, you thought about the one man you really couldn't get out of your mind. Alex Gaskarth. His brown hair curves at his forehead, with the blonde highlights. His brown eyes gleaming at you the way they have the last few times you've talked. Every time you hang around him, your heart begins to thump loudly and the butterflies spin around in your stomach. You know instantly how you feel for him and a part of you wishes you could tell him, just to see his reaction, if he gives one. But you know you're too chicken to tell him.

Everyone except for you remained asleep, as you twisted from the window and lay back down. you thought about what it'd be like to be with Alex. To run your fingers through his hair, to feel his lips against yours, to be able to call him yours without it being a lie. To know what it would be like for other girls to look at him and him deny them all because he has his one and only. To be able to spend the holidays with him and it be as a couple, not just friends.

Tonight is Christmas Eve. It's almost midnight which would make it Christmas Day. There's a little Christmas tree in the front of the tour bus, on one of the tables with a few presents under it for each of the guys, myself and the crew; so i guess more than a few. Your heart flutters every time you see the little present on the table under the tree, hoping it's from Alex; some sign that he likes you.

As your last thoughts of him go through your head, the devil wakes up and looks over at you. "You awake?" You hear Alex's tiredly sexy voice ask. You nod, and then realize he probably can't see you, "Yeah..." He stretched and turned over onto his stomach from his back and laid his head on his arms to looka t you. he looked gorgeous, even with insane bedhead. "Why are you up this early? Or... Late?" He asked. You shrugged, sitting up. "I can't sleep. Too many thoughts racing through my head." He nodded, "Anything you care to share?" You shook your head, answering in your head. Oh, nothing much, just that I have the biggest crush on you and have for the longest time and wouldn't mind baring your babies. "Oh... No, it's not really that important." Sorry for needing to lie, Alex. "Ah, I see. Well, I'm here. You should know that by now," He said softly. He smiled a tired smile. You picked up your iPod. "Merry Christmas," You said, showing him the time from your iPod. "Merry Chistmas to you too." He quickly jumped out of his bunk and walked passed you and to the little Christmas tree, revealing a pair of plaid pajama pants that hung from his hips, and no shirt.

You twisted onto your belly and watched passed a soft curtain as he searched for something through the presents. You assumed he was looking for a preset that said his name on it. You climbed out of bed and walked toward him. You wanted so badly to wrap your arms around him. he turned around, sensing you were behind him. "Look away," He demanded. You precociously turned around; fiddling with your fingers awaiting what was to come next. You then felt him stand up behind you, raising something above you. You turned around before he could tell you to, and your faces were centimeters away. You slowly look up from his lips, to his eyes to his raised arm, holding a mistle toe. You looked back to his eyes, a smile creeping upon his face, as he stared into yours. You couldn't help but grin, as he gently placed his lips against yours.

They were just as soft as you had imagined. He wrapped his arms around your waist as you raise your arms and wrap them around his neck. You pushed your body to his, wanting this to never end. He pulled away and asked the question you've been dying to hear, "Merry Christmas, -insert your name-. Will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?"

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