Pegasi Know English

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TW: Making out lol finally


Clarisse's mind went at 100 miles per hour. Percy had just walked in on her and Silena... doing something. What happens if he went around camp and told everyone about what he saw, and what if Silena didn't even like her back. That kiss could have been anything, Silena had been upset over her ex-boyfriend, maybe she just needed a release of emotion. Why would Silena, very straight daughter of Aphrodite, like Clarisse in that way. Silena would be so embarrased if this got out, the rumors both of them would face. Clarisse didn't mind people knowing she was bi, but if it ment outing Silena, it was out of the picture. Anxiety crept up her gut, not the good kind. The kind that made you throw up before a presentation, or when people made fun of you. Silena definitely didn't like her back

Clarisse felt Silena's fingers slowly slide into hers, breaking her out of her trance. Their fingers laced tightly together, heat pulsed in her palm. Electricity spiked up her arm and traveled its way to her cheeks, escaping in red blotches. Both girls remained looking forward, but their heavy breaths and rapid rise and fall of their chests told their nervousness. They stood there, marinating in what had happened, for the gods know how long. 

"Clarisse, I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me. I- I've never liked a girl before. I don't like girls, or I thought that I don't. I shouldn't have done that, I should go" Silena's hand slid out of Clarisse's, leaving cold air in its place. She stood there, starstruck. Silena walked towards the door, leaving Clarisse standing by herself. Silena looked back once before opening the door, Clarisse's eyes met hers. 

"Don't leave, please." Clarisse pleaded with Silena, but couldn't get the words out to tell her how she felt about her. One hand on the knob of the cracked door, Silena turned fully around, confusion coating her stare at Clarisse, one eyebrow cocked. 

"Gods... for the child of the goddess of love your pretty bad at this." Clarisse lunged forward her hands found their way back to Silena's face, her gasp cut off by their lips crashing together. Clarisse was standing in the pegasus barn, kissing Silena Beauregard, and she was kissing her back. Silena's hands crawled into Clarisse's curls once again, Clarisse moved her hands down Silena's back pulling her into her. She pulled on Silena's bottom lip with her teeth, pushing her tongue against her lips, asking for entrance. Silena's lips happily obliged, their tongues swirled together. She tasted like apple juice from breakfast, mixed with the taste of another's mouth, so personal, so human it is unable to be described in words. 

They pulled apart from each other, sucking in deep breaths, they had nearly suffocated their passion clouding the judgment to breathe. They stood, foreheads pressed together their chests falling in unison. They breathed in each others air, it was thick and hot. The white pegasus snorted behind them, they broke apart to look at him, he was surely going to gossip with Percy later about this. 

"If you say a single fucking thing to Jackson about this, I'm going to rip your wings off your body and shove them up your ass." Clarisse glared at the pegasus, she wasn't sure if he understood english, but her tone of voice hopefully conveyed the message. The pegasus whinnied a, no promises I do what I want, in response. Silena laughed into Clarisses chest, the girl's hot breath radiated through her body, lighting her soul on fire. Clarisse planted a kiss on the top of Silena's head, her hair smelled of roses and strawberries, her signature scent of course

Silena raised her head off of her chest, moving up to whisper in Clarisse's ear, "I like you too" She giggled as she said this. Her laughter bounced off the walls of Clarisses head, each syliable releasing dizzying drugs into her mind. Clarisse became giddy again, like a middle school girl talking to her crush for the first time. Silena traced her fingers around Clarisse's muscles, she lined each of her scars in stars. A small smile appeared on her face, Silena's hands traveling up and down her arms, creeping like vines up to her face. She traced the scar above Clarisse's eyebrow, sustained from her trip to the Sea of Monsters. 

"This is my favorite one" 



Holy fucking shit, I just kissed Clarisse La Rue. Silena was definitely off her rocker now. And I liked it. Yup, her marbles are gone, she has officially lost them. 

Silena thought she was straight, until she made out with Clarisse. She had never felt this way before, not even towards a guy, she had never been compelled to watch someone as they trained. To watch the way their muscles constricted and released with each strike, sweat glistening off their body. But boy did she want to watch Clarisse. Admittedly, she had been watching Clarisse these past few weeks, she was excited when they had gotten paired for training the day before. Silena watched from the shadows of the trees in the forest when Clarisse trained alone, she was no stranger to spying, and this didn't seem like it. More of an interest of hers, maybe an arousal. 

Silena lay still on her bed, she gazed up at the ceiling. Her fingers toyed with the pink frilly curtains that lined her bed, but her mind kept wandering back to Clarisse. Pictures of her flashed in Silena's mind, wisps of dark curls, deep black eyes, a wicked smile. She tried to push Clarisse out of her mind, but it was no use. She rolled onto her side with a groan, wrapping her arms around herself. Pretending they were Clarisse's. Silena thought of their lips again, Clarisse pulling her into her by the waist. Their stomachs, their chests meeting in the middle, they were pressed against each other, but Silena had wished they could be closer. She thought of Clarisse's hands traveling down her back, wishing they would have gone further. Or perhaps moving back up taking her breasts in her hands, but this had not happened. Instead Clarisse had pulled away from her, and they had left the pegasus barn. 

Silena sat up from her bed, she swung her legs over the side steadying herself and walked to the bathroom. Foolish thoughts, of course the daughter of the goddess of love would have thoughts like this, plagued with pleasure. Silena wiped sticky, hot, fluid from between her legs. Apparently thinking about Clarisse playing with her boobs was enough to get her horny. She had  been with Beckendorf, he had taken her virginity, so she was no stranger to the liquid of excitement. But not even he had gotten her this worked up before just by a single thought. She tried again to push Clarisse out of her mind, she washed her hands and busied herself with chores. 

It was dinner again by the time Silena had finished her work. She gathered up Cabin 10 and marched them down to the pavilion. She sacrificed her Mac-n-cheese into the fire and silently asked her mom to approve of her and Clarisse. Silena hadn't thought about what the gods may think of her and Clarisse, of course Apollo was known to get around with guys. But Aphrodite would probably disapprove of the relationship, she had always wanted Silena to settle down with a nice guy and have a loving family, but that's the thing she didn't mention a girl. 

The fire burned slightly pink with Silena's prayer, maybe Aphrodite had heard her. 

Notes: Omg guys this is crazy, they finally actually kissed. I'm so proud of my little gaybies. Also omg Silena you dirty girl damn, Im having way to much fun writing this. As always comments/constructive criticism is always welcome and encouraged. love yah!

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