Screw You Luke

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"IS THAT THE FUCKING CHIMERA?" Silena thought that thing would have been felt with by now.


She had never felt so helpless in her life, Clarisse had always had some sort of weapon on her. Silena on the other hand was defenseless against "the demigod killer" and she was not too thrilled about it to say the least. While of course Silena had extensive battle training, she didn't love to fight believe it or not.

The Chimera slashed its tail through the group, taking out multiple kids. A fleet of arrows soared past Silena's head, each finding its mark in a chink of the Chimera's armored skin. Silena envied the Apollo kids, they had amazing skills, all she could do was sweet talk people. Still as she stood there, all she could think about was watching Clarisse with her spear, dodging and striking the Chimera. Each time the monster got close to Clarisse panic rose in her gut, the world started getting fuzzy at the edges. Silena pushed the anxiety down, she couldn't pass out, not right now. She kept hearing Clarisse's battle cry over the commotion, bringing her back down each time. Then Percy Jackson came bounding into the crowd, he had fought the Chimera before on his first quest when he was twelve. He escaped by jumping off the St. Louis Arch, but now he was much more powerful. He sent a wave over the lion-goat-snake things head, temporarily confusing the creature long enough for Clarisse to wedge her spear in one of its eyes. 

Then Clarisse was hit. Silena wanted so badly to surge forward to Clarisse, to make sure she was ok. But she couldn't, not without having to cross right in front of the Chimera, which weaponless she was not about to do. Anxiety overruled her brain once more, her chest tightened and the sounds of battle muffled in her ears. All she could hear was her own heartbeat pounding in her head. Silena could barely see what was happening through the tears in her eyes. Now normally a smack in the chest sending a Demi-god reeling into a tree would have sent them out of the fight for a while. But moments after her thump against the tree, Silena saw Clarisse stand up and return to the battle. Relief surged over her, Clarisse was ok. Tears burst from her eyes, unable to hold them back anymore just as Percy, of course, struck the final blow to the Chimera and it erupted into gold dust. 

The monster dust settled on the camp like glitter, making everyone shine in the sun. Ironic to think that the remains of the very thing that nearly killed Clarisse moments earlier settled onto her hair, making it glow gold in the sunlight. The camp erupted into cheers and pats on the back going around, then they dispersed and went on with daily life. Silena, however, ran towards Clarisse who was still leaning against a near by tree. She looked sickly pale, a chill ran down Silena's spine. Clarisse was holding her abdomen, a pained look on her face as she saw Silena approaching but it quickly was disguised. She pushed off the tree and tried to look as if everything was fine, Silena knew it wasn't. 

"Oh my gods, Clarisse are you ok" She wanted to take Clarisse in her arms and squeeze her until- well forever. But judgment took over and said that Clarisse was probably in pain and wouldn't like to be hugged to death. 

"I'm ok. I'm sorry Silena." Clarisse brushed off Silena's concern, but as she tried to take a step forward her balance wavered. Just before she fell Silena rushed up to Clarisse and caught her, nearly pulling her down as well, she was probably twice the size of Silena. Clarisse looked sick as ever now, her face had turned a pale shade of green, thin lines of blood trickled from the small wounds on her abdomen.  

"Like hell you are" Silena adjusted Clarisse so that her arm rested on her shoulders and she heaved the ailed girl across camp towards the infirmary. Silent tears flowed down Silena's cheeks as she dragged Clarisse, but the girl was too heavy for her. No matter how hard she attempted to lug the girl it was as if her energy was being drained with each fallen tear. She collapsed to the ground, earth digging into her knees, and rested Clarisse's unconscious head in her lap. Silena gently brushed the stray curls off of Clarisse's face, whispering 'You're gonna be ok' Tears rushed steadily from her eyes now, dropping like rain onto the dying girls face. If Clarisse were a satyr she would have reincarnated into some aspect of nature, her tears would make the flowers grow. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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