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Tw: Panic attacks and mentions of rape/SA


"Yo! Clarisse wake up dinner is ready" A shout jolted Clarisse from her sleep. She looked around the cabin to see who it had come from, but the cabin was empty. Well except for the girl sharing the mattress with Clarisse. They had fallen sleep cuddling together, Clarisse hoped that her sibling had not seen Silena in her bed, because that would need some major explaining. 

"Silena, baby. Wake up dinner is ready" Clarisse gently shook the sleeping girl, whispering in her ear. Her long black hair splayed out in all directions on the pillow. Her blue eyes fluttered open and landed on Clarisse. Her mouth curled into a smile but quickly dropped. 

"Shit. Shit. Shit. I had dinner duty, oh my gods Im going to be mucking out the pegasus stables for a month." Silena hid under the covers, out of Clarisse's sight. But she could hear the girls stomach rumble through the blankets.

"Come on darling, there's no point in crying about it now. I for one am starving" Clarisse pulled the girl out from the bed, propping her up on her feet. "Wait, what if someone sees you leave the cabin, leave first and go around the back, then ill leave" 

"ok good plan." Silena hurried out the cabin door and turned the corner out of sight. Clarisse waited a minute and followed her out of the door. Turing the opposite corner as Silena, and trudged her way down to the pavilion. Her table was full of her siblings by this point, many of them already lost in conversation. She plopped down next to one of her brothers and caught the tail end of a conversation.

"I think I saw Silena Beauregard in Clarisse's bed" 

"Omg what do you think that was about, are they like together?"

"I don't know but they were definitely cuddling, and some of the Aphrodite kids are missing chunks of memory." Clarisse wanted to throw up. 

"Hey guys, Im right here" her siblings looked at her in horror. "Mention that to anybody, and I'll cut your tongue out and shove it up your ass. Ok?" she gestured with her knife cutting out someones tongue. Her siblings quickly nodded their heads, too frightened to respond. "Right now that we are all on the same page, let's eat" They proceeded to dig into their food like savages. Of course


That night Aphrodite decided to appear in Clarisse's dreams. 

Clarisse was sitting on the beach just outside the borders of Camp Half-Blood, sea foam was collecting between her toes. A beautiful figured appeared in front of her, her face was constantly morphing ever so slightly. Appearing to Clarisse as her mother for a moment, then a girl she had met at school, then Silena. 

"I don't know what you think you are doing with my daughter but it needs to stop." Clarisse knew immediately what the goddess was talking about. Her voice was slick with ice, it ran a chill down Clarisse's back. The woman's multicolor eyes bore down on her, yet she was unable to look away. One of the powers of Aphrodite. 

"I don't know. I-"

"Save it. I had a conversation with your father. Though I do love a good love story, this one needs to end. He wanted to tell you himself, but I took pity and said I would do it. Be grateful, I see what he has done to you." The anger in her eyes flickered a moment with pity, her grimace changed a moment into a sympathetic smile. 'Be grateful, I see what he has done to you'. Lovely, just what Clarisse needed, her... girlfriend's? Silena's mother's pity. 

"I don't understand, why do you all hate us together so much?" Clarisse couldn't keep her strong facade in front of the woman, the look about her made Clarisse's thoughts crumble. Her eyes brimmed with tears, she pleaded with the goddess for an answer.

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