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Tw: smut again but def not as much, ik I said it would be angsty but trust the next chapter will be. 


Oh. My. Fucking. Gods. Was all that was racing through Silena's head blotting Clarisse's eye with concealer. Her pussy still throbbed from the activities of twenty minutes ago but her hands kept working on her lover's face. If you could call her that. 

Silena pulled back from Clarisse's face to get a bigger picture. When satisfied with her work she hopped off the counter and snuck up behind Clarisse, snaking her hands around the other girls waist. Silena rested her chin on Clarisse's shoulder and gazed at her in the mirror, the bruise was just barely visible, you could only tell if you were looking for it. 

"She is beautiful, isn't she?" Silena whispered into Clarisse's ear, gently squeezing her arms around her waist. Clarisse's eyes lit up, a smile flicked across her lips. 

"Not compared to you" Clarisse turned around and faced her, Her brown eyes reflected gold in the sun, it warmed Silena's insides. Her heart quickened and stomach turned over.  She was used to compliments, but somehow coming out of Clarisse's mouth made her want to melt into a pool of celestial bronze. 

"I have to tell you something" Silena giggled out a whisper, "I like you" She grinned from ear to ear, Clarisse chuckled breathily and threw her head back. She cupped her hands around Silena's face, the heat from her palms infiltrated Silena's skin like ink.  

"I happened to notice, I did in fact walk into you moaning my name while touching yourself, so I had a guess." Heat rose up to Silena's cheeks, she dropped her head into Clarisse's chest, trying to hide from the girl, unsuccessfully. She whined in response to the other girls laughs at her embarrassment. 

"Gods that was so embarrassing" Silena's words were slightly muffled by Clarisse's shirt.

"I for one thought it was hot as fuck" 

"Glad I could turn you on"

"Anyways can we please go get breakfast" Clarisse broke their embrace and dragged the smaller girl out of the cabin, Silena hoped that her charmspeak had worked on her siblings or she had some serious explaining to do. 


The entirety of breakfast, through training and chores Clarisse had  wrapped herself in Silena's thoughts. Her blueberry muffin, Clarisse. Training the pegasus, Clarisse. Pruning strawberry bushes, Clarisse. Each of Silena's everyday activities had been over taken by the image of Clarisse, her bronze muscles while she trained in the setting sun, her dark curls whipping around when she ran. But happiness doesn't last does it?

Luke visited her that night, of course. He came in a dream, more like a nightmare. He needed to know all the happenings around camp as always, though this week had been uneventful to say the least, at least by spy reporting standards. Luke spoke to Silena in a soft tone, coaxing answers out of her, just as he had when he loved her.

"I just need a bit more information, all will be well after that. You know love you, baby" That word, baby, Silena wanted to scream at him to leave her alone. Don't call me baby. Dream-Luke touched her cheek, his hand was ice-cold, there was no love there. Anger flowed through her veins, Silena had never taken the write of passage of Aphrodite cabin, to break someone's heart. But hers had been broken, and one time too many. Tears threatened to overflow her eyes lids now. She begged for them to stay in place. 

"I promise, nothing new has come up" Her voice faltered with each syllable, but Luke seemed to believe it. He nodded his head and her dream shifted. 

She was sat on the beach just outside of Camp Half-Blood, Her fingers intertwined with another girls. The girls nails were painted black, chipping at the edges, her knuckles were calloused from years of training, her hands were strong and grounding. Silena didn't have to worry about flying away. Her toes were buried in the damp sand, the tide had just receded, shells littered the beach. The girl next to Silena picked up a volute shell, it glittered with swirls of red and gold. She twisted it between her fingers, admiring the way it shown in the sun and handed it to Silena.

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