chapter 12

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                                 Edward pov

"How, did you just go right to kissing me Bella? You're only starting to have feelings for me again. You just confused the fuck out of me but you were always good at changing tactics on me Bella!" I chuckled.

"Just take it slow with me and show me before I decide! Can you understand that and I can understand the rest right now because I can't do it and she can't help me so I trust you Edward!" I just couldn't help myself and pressed my lips back to hers.

"You do realize I have to give you baths right and you're beautiful to me. We're married but I can wait as long as you're back in my arms Bella. My God I missed you so much fucking much and I love you so fucking much Bella!" I told her.

"I know, I can feel you Edward!" I smiled, her favorite smile. "Oh I really like that smile on your face Edward! Your hair grew out and I really like it!" I saw my favorite smile again. This was just fucking amazing and so incredible and beautiful all at the same fucking time.

"Now how many days in he." God damn it! I had to hurry and get her out of the water again because she had been there to long.  

"Hold on Baby I got you!  Your safe! Breath for me Bella!" She took a big breathe off air for the first time in a very long time and I held her against me.

"Don't let me go Edward!" She told me after she was finally able to breathe and I had a hold of her and she wasn't going anywhere because she couldn't move at all.

"I won't ever let you go Baby! Haven't yet and never will. God you're frozen popsicle!" I told her. "Don't take this the wrong way Edward but you called me a popsicle don't lick me!" She started laughing and so did I.

"Oh God baby my sister asked me what flavor and I told I wasn't answering that fucking question and you figure it out right away like that. Oh God!" I had to sit down with her in my arms I was laughing so hard and so was she.

"Ouchy, ouchy, I hurt!" She told me. I looked at her like how do I approach this!

"Okay we need to talk about this pain thing. I didn't want to say anything to you and I know what most it is and why you feel me! It's part of the reason my gun shot wound won't heal and I completely shut down like I do and you're always in pain." I explained.

"What are you talking about Edward?" I squeezed my eyes shut. "I don't know how to talk to you about this and you were in the same boat I was but different. But this you would have to be completely alone like you are because there's no one to help you. It has been too long for me and I had two very serious injuries that I should've had my heart stopped both times for already and plus we never or you never were able to complete a transfer to me and I haven't or haven't either been able well I don't know how to say this and it's not because of that either. I don't want to leave you all alone like that either because you can't restart my heart the way you are now. My sister is in a coma Bella and is the only other one that can do  it!" I told her as I held her and just cried at the thought now because I knew it would happen soon to me!

"When will it happen to you? I mean your heart stopped beating and what will happen if you're not in that. What you had me in Edward?"  I dropped my head because I didn't want to answer that because for one she came out of that tub way too damn early and I lost it.

"I'm sorry Bella, but you came out of the tub way too early which stopped me from healing. See those pictures for that tub?" She nodded.

"That would have given me more than enough  time. You had at least a month in that tub Bella!" I saw it all in her eyes. "What do I have to do?" I shook my head really fast.

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