chapter 34

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Edward pov

"But why can't I go to the lagoon or the therapy pool?" My wife asked me.

Oh Lord! "Baby we can't until you stop!" Her head fell. "I hate you!" I started laughing.

"No you don't!" I told her. "I do right now!" She told me and I fell backwards on the bed laughing really hard.

"Okay I don't! But I'm just irritated okay! I wanted to be in the damn lagoon swimming damn it!" I had to roll on my side because I was laughing so hard at my wife right now.

She was sitting in the wheelchair in front of me. "Oh I remember what I can do and you owe me this bucko!" I sat up really fast.

"What do I owe you actually?" I asked her and she lifted up her shirt and pointed to her tattoo and wiggled her eyebrow at me and pointed to her back!

"You really want to do that?" I asked her and she nodded her head.

"Back first honey!" She told me. "Okay! But you have to stay here while I go get the stuff!" She narrowed her eyes at me.

"Are you out of your mind? Because I know you are right now!" I had to flip backwards really fast because she was going to ram me with the wheelchair.

"Fuck! Bella what the fuck!" I started laughing again.

She started laughing. "Well I was trying to get my point across bucko!" I had to catch her really fast.

"Baby!" We were still laughing. I was watching her though as she was pushing herself back up with her hands slowly when I was trying to catch her push her up but I barely touched her and I let her try but just kept my hands there in case.

"Come on baby!" I was encouraging her. "That's it Bella you got this take it slow and easy and I'm right here if you need me." I told her.

"A little more! I knew you could do! That's my girl! I'm proud of you baby!" I leaned forward and kissed her for that one.

"See you did it baby!" She shot her hands straight up in the air for that one. She earned that baby.

"Holy shit, what did she do, that she is doing that pose?" My sister asked.

"She just pushed herself up in the wheelchair!" I told my sister and my sister did her excitement dance.

I felt backwards laughing again. "Oh my God!" I said. "Oh they are on their way and something to punch knows the back up for them and I guess she knows about the bitch and she wants to kill her personally for punch!" My wife's head whipped around so fast to my sister.

"Oh my fucking God! Are you fucking kidding me sis?" Bella shook her no!

"So you're telling me she will actually kill the bitch for you if you give her the okay?" My wife started nodding her head really fast and what I felt through our connection shocked the hell out of me.

"Wait I'm kinda of confused here because I was also told she also knew Jessica from before you too and she knew us too. Something to the fact she witnessed something with us or should say my big brother about the three?" My sister said.

My wife went into thinking mode. Fuck me sideways right now and I fell backwards in the bed again trying to ignore my wife.

I heard my sister start laughing and I flipped her off and she started laughing harder.

"At least you get to have!" I sat straight up and stopped my sister before she went any further in my head.

"Don't!" I even pointed at her. "Oops!" My sister face was so red.

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