chapter 18

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      Edward pov

I started losing it because that there hit in my and I just feel all the way to the fucking floor on my knees grabbing the handle to her wheel chair.

"EDWARD, NOOO! I CAN'T GET YOU TO THE TANK!" Then everything went black.

I felt myself convulsion and my eyes snapped opened and I was in the special tub and I see my sister looking at me and Bella leaning against her.

"What the fuck happened?" Bella's eyes squeezed shut and tears started to fall then she buried her face into my sister and fell over.

My hand pressed flat against the glass. "Baby! I'm so sorry! Just what you told me just really hit me hard because you know it's not true. I showed you every thing. Did this happen last time too Bella?" I noticed I still had complete control over Bella's powers and abilities but she nodded her head to my question.

"Did I even still have control when my heart stopped?" Bella was nodding her head really fast.

"Sis wake up?" My sister dropped her head and now I was confused.

"How long have I been here?" sked them. "2 months big brother? It took Bella almost a two hours to get to me and some how woke me up by seeing what happened to you and she told me she missed me and she really needed my help to save you because she couldn't lose you because she loved you too much and that she gave you heart and soul to you in the security room and showed me how she did it too." My sister show me.

My sis circled her heart and cupped just in front of her heart and then she pointed to her eyes and went back to cupping them together then she reached down and pushed her hands flat against Bella's heart.

I started crying and my eyes squeezed shut! So I came up with an idea.

"Bella I really need you to look at me please!" My sister slowly helped her up and Bella leaned against the glass.

I circled my heart and cupped it just in front of my heart and then I pointed to my eyes and went back to cupping them together then I reached out and pushed my hands flat against the glass over Bella's heart.

She slid one hand down to my hand and then took here other hand and made a complete circle around both our hands.

Then covered her put hands flat over mine and acted like she was taking it from my hands and acted very gentle as she watched herself very gently and such deep love.

Then she very slowly pushed it into her chest where her heart was.

I just felt and was magical, amazing, so beautiful and incredible to see and feel and what I felt through our connection.

I was trying to breathe all of sudden and Bella was hitting my sister and slapping the glass.

"Shit! You both had to be the same don't ya! GET YOUR FUCKING ASS OUT OF THERE NOW MAS THAT'S A FUCKING ORDER FROM BELLA!" My ass got out and I was sitting on the edge of the tub breathing really fast.

Then I felt a hand on my back and I reached around without even looking and took it into mine because I knew it was Bella.

I closed my eyes because I had her hand in my hands and what she just did and she was the one reaching for me when I got out.

Then how she got me help! "I love you baby and that's my girl and thank you, not just for saving me but for believing in me, let me in finally, giving me such a perious gift, our kids too there nothing to forgive Bella. It's not your fault and I can't blame you, god I am a man for God sake!" I started laughing so did my sister then Bella started laughing.

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