chapter 24

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        Edward pov

"May I make another suggestion big brother?" My sister told me.

"Go for it sis!" I told her. "Stop doing her therapy too right now and just work on my bedroom and do work on our home to keep yourself busy. Sleep on the couch in our living section. Stay away from her completely right now. I know it will be hard and the recharging you guys need but maybe this also will help Bella think too." My sister told me.

I just nodded my head. "You grabbed all my stuff because I will move back into our living section and I will pack up Bella stuff and you can take it to the special room and you can stay with her then." We agree to put this action starting now.

She would come get the meals I made and coffee I made for her and my sister.

I packed up Bella day time clothes and some of my tshirts for her and more boy shorts and handed my sister the bag.

I started taking apart the bed and took everything to storage including the comforter set and sheets after I washed them and grabbed my sleeping bag for the couch.

I went ahead and started bringing everything I would need for Rosey and Emmett room to rebuild it.

After two hours of working on my sister room I had to sit down.

Because I could feel Bella and she was so confused why I haven't came back yet.

"I thought you were going to help me with therapy?" I bit my bottom lip when I heard her in my mind and I wasn't going to answer her. I grabbed the walkie.

"Sis you need to come here a minute please!" I called out on the walkie. I knew Bella didn't have one yet.

I even took off my watch too. "Yeah, what you need big brother?" My sister asked me when she walked in.

I pointed to my head. "You need to block her somehow from my mind please! I really hate doing it sis because I can't answer her back and I don't need her seeing in my head either right now!" I started losing it again because this was tearing me the fuck apart.

My sister ran over to me and just held me. "Already done big brother! God I hate seeing you go through this and see you being torn apart like this. It just tears me apart." She told me.

"I don't know what else to do sis! I just want my Bella back and for her to let me in fully. God to still be terrified on some level sis just tears at my soul to not just my heart." I was hitting my chest over my heart with my fist hand with a loud thump.

"STOP! EDWARD! You're going to break a bone as hard as your hit.." Then we heard and I felt the crack underneath my fist and I froze stiff.

I bit my bottom lip! "FUCK! THAT REALLY FUCKING HURTS SIS!" I fell to my side off of what I was sitting on.


I slowly got up and she helped me there and laid me on the scanner table.

"Whatever you do and no matter what do not let her in!" I snarled through my teeth.

"I got it and already changed the codes so she cannot get in." My sister told me.

"Come on scuba suit and in the special tub you go! No you're not being put in a coma it's to help monitor you and give you continuous pain meds and well if you're heart stops your already in there. Killed to birds with one stone this time." She told me.

"Sis, really kill and if my fucking heart stops. I can't believe you it might not be an if sis. It might be hey be prepared it's going to stop wether you like it or not sis! I'm sorry sis! I don't mean to take this out on you." I explained to her after I changed into my scuba suit.

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