The remeet rehearsals

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Bakugos pov
(3 weeks later btw)

I walked into the auditorium for the stage crew meeting and I saw him. Deku. I haven't seen him since we were kids and now we're in our 3rd and last year of high school. I was surprised to see him especially because he was on the stage rehearsing the play. I would never imagine that Deku would do theater but I couldn't help but look at him and feel a certain way, a way I've never felt before and I didn't know what it meant.

I've been doing stage crew since we started high school and I liked it the head of the stage crew went over the normal things and then gave us our assignments and I got put backstage just like every year. I like being baked stage it's nice back there plus sometimes the stupid conversations the cast has back there are kind of entertaining.

I went back stage and started setting some things up

There doing Newsies this year witch I haven't seen but it looks good so far

As I was setting up someone came backstage obviously I didn't pay them no mind until they spoke


I looked up there's only one person who calls me Kacchan, Deku

"Deku hi"

"What are you doing here?" he asked confusedly

"I'm in stage crew obviously" I replied

"Oh that's cool well I'm back here for the next couple scenes so I can keep you company. Is it just you back here?"

"Yea for now"

"Oh well that's kinda sad"

"Nah it's nice being alone but I think it might be a little bit nice to have some company"

"Well I'm here for now, and I'll be here with you" as he said that I realized what the feeling I was feeling meant but I didn't want to admit it

Word count: 312

AN: I've had the worst writers block and I don't know how much I like this but here you go

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