A bit of fun

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Bakugo pov

I'm sitting in my dorm scrolling through one of the social media apps Mina made me get when I hear a knock at my door

"What do you want" I yell

"It's Deku" izku says

"Come in"

He comes in and shuts the door

"Kacchan I'm fucking thirsty"

"So get some water stupid"

"Not that kind of thirsty"

"Wha- oh I see what you mean"


I lead him to my bed I push him down to the bed and pin him down holding his wrist together above his head. I put my head down near the collar of his shirt and kiss sequence of kisses up to his lips

As I kiss his him slightly a few times I grasp his thigh gently to tease him as he gasps suddenly from the sudden action I kiss him thoroughly with tongue, as I go deeper in his mouth with the kiss he moans in my mouth with pure delight

he kisses me again and again for about 20 minutes until he pulls away and suddenly says


"yea" I say

" will you be my boyfriend?"

suddenly I remember I have a girlfriend. Maybe not one I've loved in a long time but I'm kinda scared to break up with her considering her best friend is a villain

"I can't Deku"

the look on his face tells me he didn't know or forgot that me and Umraka are dating so I told him

"oh my god I'm so sorry I-i didn't know sh-she didn't tell me I'm so sorry"

"she didn't tell you its been months"

"no we all thought she dating toga"


"well um she just kinda gives a vibe"

he left my dorm and i texted her

                    are you cheating on me???

what no

                 are you sure????

yes I think I would know
if I was cheating on you



AN: I had ALOT of help from 2 of my friends for this chapter but also I have no motivation right now and also I HATE this bakugo ship but its just for the plot anyway that's it for now bye

word count:334

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