Opening night

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Bakugos pov

An:there's a lot of curse words in this one idk I was kinda js feelin it ig

Its been two days since I last saw Deku. He's been avoiding me and even convinced pinky to switch spots with him in class.

The sparky bitch found out about what happened and of course he's being fucking annoying.

"Hey kachan"

"Dont call me that sparky"

"You let Mydoria call that"

"Yea well he's different"

"Oh yea I know you loove him"

"Shut the fuck up"

I noticed Kirby walking over and she seemed mad

"I need to talk to you. Now."

Fuck that can't be good

We walked over to the side of the school when she said

"Why are there rumours going that you had s3x with deku"

"I don't know"

"Really cause I have a feeling you know something"

"I don't but while talking about rumours why am I hearing that your sleeping with Toga"


"So you are"

"Well you slept with Deku so now we're even oh and by the way he told me yesterday"

"So you have been sleeping with Toga"

"Yea and she's better than you"
(I'm sorry I needed a sassy Uraraka moment)

"Your a real bitch"

"Well so are you were done if that wasn't clear enough for you pea sized brain"

I just walked away without saying anything at that schools out and I have to get to the auditorium to start getting ready for the play

As I'm walking someone bumps into me and I'm about to yell I noticed it's deku

"You fucking told Kirby"

"She deserved to know Kachan"

"I deserved to know about her and Toga but I didn't"

"I would've told you but I thought you knew"

"I sure as hell wouldn't be with her if I knew"

"I have to get ready bye kachan"

He walked away and I turned around and advanced to the auditorium

A few hours passed and the cast started rippling in

They rehearsed and then they had to get ready

The play was starting and I had gotten put on lights cause shark face got sick

I do have to admit Deku was okay

We were at the 'world will know' song when I noticed Deku looking right at me witch gave me a weird feeling not a bad feeling but a weird one

Awhile later the play was over and the audience was gone when I feel a light tap on my shoulder.

"Can we talk?"

An: hi guys I'm really sorry I've been gone for a long while I've not been motivated to write and I've had a lot going on but I hope you like the chapter I know it's really bad I'm sorry

Words: 460

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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