Stage fright

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Bakugos pov

2 days before opening night | 6:30 am

I wake up to the sound of my annoying alarm and I turn it off

I put on my UA uniform after I get out of the shower

I grab my phone and see that I have 3 new texts

1:07 am
Kacchan I'm nervous
I don't remember any of my lines

I quickly text him back reassuring him that he'll be ok

I go down stairs to get some breakfast

"Hey bakubro" weird hair says when he sees me

"Hi Kacchan" Deku says after realizing that I'm there

"Hey extras"

I get some food and go back to my dorm

*little time skip cause im lazy*

I grab my backpack and leave to go to class

*big time skip to the end school*

I'm passing by the bathroom to go to the auditorium when I hear crying from the bathroom I'm about to walk away when I realize that's Deku crying

I walk in and go over to the stall he's in

"Deku what's up"

"Kacchan" he says crying  "I'm nervous"

"I know Deku but you'll be fine"

"No I won't Kacchan I can't do it" he starts crying even more

"Yes you can Deku"

"No I can't" as he said that he moved closer to me and hugged me

I felt bad for him and let him stay there till he felt better but about 20 minutes pasted and rehearsal was about to start and we had to go but when I looked down he was asleep

I didn't know what to do and it was last resort


                  Dekus sleeping I don't know what to do

Like on you?
Awww that's so cute
                                                   Shut up and help me
Fine just let him sleep for a
little longer and in like 5-10
minutes just nudge him awake
                                      Are you sure we'll be late?
                            Ok thanks DONT TELL ANYONE
I won't. Trust
                                                         Ok thanks pinky
You're welcome

Dekus pov

I wake up and the first thing I see is a sleeping Kacchan and I realize that I fell asleep on Kacchan and he didn't do anything about it witch made me kinda happy but it was also kinda weird cause I'm not used to Kacchan being like that

I tried to move without waking him but I didn't seceded

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