[001 - You can't change the past]

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November 26th, 2153

"Hinaru! Wake up! We get our quirks soon!"

Little Akira spoke as little Hinaru stirred in her sleep, who even as a child hated being woken in the morning. Hinaru barely let out an audible voice as she spoke.

"Let me sleep moreee.."

She whined as she stuffed her head into the pillow. Akira rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, pouting as she spoke.

"But what about our quirks?! Cmon Hinaru! Please get up?"

Akira complained impatiently as her sister groaned, she then put her pillow under her head again then slowly rose her upper body. She rubbed her eyes with her tiny hands and let out a soft sigh, still exhausted.

"What are you waking me up about again Kira?"

She complained. Akira smiled, showing a toothy grin.

"Its our birthday! We get out quirks today of course silly!"

That woke Hinaru up, she hurriedly jumped out of bed and smiled woth wide eyes.


Hinaru could hardly contain her excitement, it was a surprise to see considering she was a more stern child, always trying to act like an adult so little moments like these are what Akira cherished most.

"Yeah! Come on! Lets go wake mommy and daddy!"

Akira grabbed her older twins hand and rushed out of the Hinarus bedroom. They rushed down the hallways that the two had memorized by now and raced to their parents room. When they entered, they immediately jumped up and down on their parents bed. Their parents let out a groan as their children excitedly spoke.

"Cmon Mother! Father! Its time to get our quirks!"

Akira spoke excitedly in her usual hyper manner, jumping up on down at the end of her fathers side. Her father stirred as he opened his eyes reluctantly.

"Akira, Hinaru.. you know that is doesn't just happen on you're birthday.. it really only happens after your birthday. At least thats what happens in our family, so once we seen signs of both your quirks we'll go see the doc, mk?"

Their father spoke tiredly. Hinaru sighed as she plopped down at the end of her mothers side of the bed, seemingly disappointed.

"Awh man! Lets go play Hinaru! I wanna go play! Auntie Kamiko taught me some new moves I wanna teach you Hinaru!"

Akira spoke as she grabbed her sisters hand, hopping off the bed. As they walked into the backyard, Akira got into a fighting stance, looking like she was about to yell at another kid for stealing her candy. Meanwhile Hinaru was in a surprising accurate fighting position. Her face spoke stern, Akira then spike softly.

"Okay so first, you lift your leg as high as you can go! Like up to your face high. Then, you smash your foot super hard!"

Heroes Strive - Insert AU x MHATempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang