[004 - Reporters + Lunch]

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Akira and Hinaru were walking together to get to their school when they noticed a crowd surrounding their school entrance. Akira began to become nervous, she hated crowds. As they slowly but surely arrived at the entrance, reporters swarmed them.

"Whats it like to have All Might as a teacher?"

"Whats All Might like as a teacher?"

"Where is All Might?"

Akira sloached her shoulders, she hated being asked the questions. Hinaru rolled her eyes, but as she tried to grab Akiras hand, it was gone. Then the next moment she was standing out front. It was Asui!

"Thank you so much Asui!"

Akira spoke with a hint of blush on her face. Hinaru raised a brow at her sisters face.

"Call me Tsu, and no worries Akira!"

Hinaru then thanked Tsu as the theee walked in together. Akira was oddly a blushing mess talking to Tsu, and Hinaru figured out real quick that her sister had a crush. As they took a seat, their class started. After sitting down Aizawa spoke up.

"Today you guys will pick class president and vice president."

Practically everyone raised their hands minus Hinaru and Akira. Iida thought it would be best if they all voted. Everyone agreed and once the votes were done, Akira looked so done.

"How the hell did I get three votes?"

Akira wanted to scratch her eyes out as she sighed. As she got up to the classroom she noticed that Midoryia joined her. Akira had no idea what to do or say so she just nodded to the class, then spoke out a small thank you. She then took a seat as classes went on as normal.

and soon lunch began. Hinaru and Akira decided to split during lunch, Akira went to hang out with Iida, Uraraka, Midoryia and Tsu. Meanwhile Hinaru hung out with Mina, Sero, Denki, Kirishima and Bakugo.

"Hey Akira! Over here!"

Uraraka spoke as Akira rushed towards her friends. Akira sat beside Tsu while the other three on the other side. Akira was trying to hide her blushing mess while talking to everyone.

"Hey Akira, what's your quirk called? Ive been curious about it."

Midoryia said, making everyone else at the table curious. Even Iida was curious as he never thought to ask about her quirk too much.

"Oh.. nobody actually knows my quirk name. So doctors just assumed it was just a basic water quirk so we call it 'Water'."

Akira shrugged.

"I think something like water saviour would be better! Kero!"

Akira tried to hide her embarrassment by smiling and thanking her. However, with Iida knowing her so long he raised a brow, knowingly. He then whispered to the two sitting by him and the two let out an ah sound in response. Soon as they finished lunch they all began talking about if they wanted you to be heros.

"So why did you want to be hero Uraraka?"

Midoryia asked as the group walked down the halls.

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