Assassin x Princess 1

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Assassin x Princess

Mizuki x Ena

Part 1: Mysterious Job

Ena :I live in a beautiful penthouse with my girlfriend, I'm not sure how she affords it. Sometimes I feel bad that I cannot help her make money, but she just tells me to rest at home. She's such a nice woman, I'm glad to have met her.

Every morning, I'm greeted with my girlfriend's sleeping face next to me, the sunlight reflecting behind her hair, making it shine bright pink. Whenever I try to wake up, she always drags me back to the bed and hugs me. Like, right now.

"Mizukii! I need to make breakfast for you, let me go", I said after hugging her back. "mmm.. Ena, stay here please", said Mizuki, half awake. "I'll make you curry rice~", I said, then I stood up to leave the room, leaving Mizuki sleeping messily on the bed.

Mizuki :

The sun's light woke me up once more, I brush my eyes after sleeping for 10 long hours, I guess Ena does really help me sleep well. I leave the room, still on my pajamas. I hear the noise of the stove cooking something, and also the noises of glass clinking, Ena is preparing me breakfast! I tiptoe down the stairs, and hugged Ena from the back while she was grabbing food from the fridge.

"Ah-! Mizuki, you're awake, finally!" She chuckled.

"Good morninnggg, my sweet princess~", I hug her tighter.

"You can let me go now, I'm cooking", She said.

"Aww... I want to hug you more though", I replied, but I understand that she's cooking, so I let her go and sit on the couch.

"Breakfast's ready~ Mizuki, come eat on the dining table", I heard Ena from the kitchen.

"Coming!" I ran to the dining table excitedly.

Ena :

It's so adorable how she's always so excited to eat my cooking, is it really that good? Oh! There she is now, I just noticed, she's still wearing her pajamas, usually she'd be dressed up in her suit already.

"Enjoy the food~", I said while sitting down.

"Will do!" She chomps down the food quickly.

"Wow! Enwa, thwish ish sow gwud!", Mizuki said excitedly.

"Don't talk while eating! you'll choke", I chuckle at her silly behaviour.

"Mmmph!" She giggles.

After eating, Mizuki gets ready for work. She kisses me before leaving.Hmm... I wonder what she does. That's one thing she never tells me. I wonder, does she have a big company or something? Why won't she tell me though. Guess one day I'll find out... I hope.

Time to clean Mizuki's work room~!

Her room is always so tidy, So I lovee cleaning her room, I just have to sweep and wipe some dirty parts of her book shelves. I enter her room.


Wait what? It's so messy! I guess she forgot to clean it up last night, she was soo tired after all. I know I should not go through her documents... I'll try not to look! I can't just leave this room uncleaned hehe.

So many paper... I'll just stack it up on her desk. Oh! One is missing, mmm... eh? A profile of a person? Why does she have this... Meh, probably just one of her staff.

A few minutes pass, and the room has been swept clean. "Yay-! It looks so nice and tidy now", I smiled at the view of her office. "Kay, next room!"

The time passed so quickly while I cleaned the house and drew some portraits. It's almost time for Mizuki to come home. She usually doesn't eat dinner at home... So I only cook for myself.

"Hmm... It's 7.30 right now, just 30 minutes before she comes home", I look at the analog clock.I suddenly heard the door click. Eep-! I wonder if that's Mizuki, guess she's early. I tiptoe my way to the front door, I peeked through the wall. Hmm... Oh! It IS her! hehe, she's early tonight! I'm so glad.

"Welcome homeee!" I greeted her sweetly.

She immediately hugs me tightly, but she says nothing, I guess she's very tired today. I still smell her shampoo on her, did she just take a bath? Why though..? Mmm... I can't let my thoughts get wild!

Mizuki :

To have her in my embrace... Surely recharges my energy. Today's work was so tiring.. I need to lie down. "Ena, lets lay down in the couch", I gave her a tired smile. "Okay! C'mere, I know you're tired", She smiles brightly.

I never thought today's opponent would be so hard to kill... They even managed to wound my left leg, I can't show Ena that I'm hurt, or she'll definetely question me. I don't want her worrying about me. In the end, today's job was worth it, I got paid well, and to see the blood splatter on his face like that was satisfying.

I continue brushing Ena's soft hair while watching the TV. Then, she suddenly stood up and went to the kitchen.

...? What is she doing? Perhaps, she forgot something in there-?

She came back 5 minutes later with a plate of fruits on it. "Mizuki, I know you're tired today, so you need these fruits to help you freshen up!" Ena hands me the plate.

"Aww! How sweet of you", I take a bite on it, "Ooh! very fresh, I love it".

"Hehe, Just for you!" She jumps back on the couch and hugs me again.


I can't help but think she's cheating on me, urghhh! I can't think about this... B-but why would she smell like shampoo right after work?! I didn't see her bring shampoo today... Ah! Stop overthinking, Ena!

I slap myself a few times, Mizuki looks at me, confused.

"Is something wrong? What are you overthinking about, Ena?" Mizuki asks me

I look away and explain what I was thinking about. Mizuki only stares at me. Then, she suddenly bursts out laughing. "My princess, you know I would NEVER cheat on you, right? I took a bath at my office because I stink very bad, I don't want you to smell my stinky smell right after I got home", She hugs me.

I look to the side, surprised to see the scar on her right arm. It was a pretty bad one, too.

"Mizuki, can you explain to me where you got this scar?" I ask while pointing at her arm.

Mizuki was shocked for a second and quickly hides the scar, "It's nothing, really! I just dropped some books at the office and it scratched me like this", she grins playfully.

In all my years of cleaning, whenever a book fell on my arm, I've never gotten a scar THAT big. Strange... But if she wants to keep it a secret, then I respect her. "Do you want me to get it treated?" I quickly get up to get the first-aid kit. Mizuki nods.


Oh, crap, I accidentally folded my sleeve up while hugging her. The reason I gave her was so stupid too! I hope that she doesn't suspect anything. That damned man, stabbing me on my right arm! I was THIS close to being left handed (for 3 months), If he broke my right arm, my job is totally done! I hope accidents like this don't happen again.

"Mizukii~ Show me the scar please, I'd like to change the bandage on it", Ena says.


And that is how the night ended...

~To be Continued.... In a few months prob LOL

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