Chapter 35

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You looked at Jungkook while he slept peacefully like a child beside you. You gently stroked his soft hair making sure he does not wake up.

Your sleep was very light last or maybe you didn't sleep at all. You spend the whole night babysitting the boy as he was sobbing without letting you know the reason. Even after you tuck him in the bed, he would wake up and look for you and hug like a baby.

Something was disturbing him very much, maybe some trauma from the past. Even in his sleep he mumbled I don't want to Jk anymore and would search for your embrace. You knew Jungkook as a happy, smart and confident boy but in a few hours his personality changed drastically and it left you in a state of panic and worry.

Who is Jk?

This question indeed cross your mind but all you were concerned about was his health and you won't ask him anything that troubles him and remind him of anything he don't want to.

You caressed his head and watch him sleep at last, though it was already eight in the morning but still you will not wake him up and let him rest as long as he wants. He held one of your hand gently and kept it close to his heart making sure that you won't leave his side even when he is asleep.

You didn't move or even fidgetted, afraid that he might wake up. But gladly he woke up on his own and with puffy eyes he looked at you and an automatic curve appeared on his lips.

You leaned forward and put a soft peck on his nose making his smile grow wide.

"Did you sleep well?" you mumbled and he nodded in reply then pulled you closer into a hug and rested his face on the crook of your neck.

"Don't leave me please" he whispered with his voice breaking again, you were worried about what happened last night might continue in the morning.

"I won't, don't worry" you assured and brushed his hair with your fingers.

"How long?" he speaks up, clutching your shirt.

"As long as you will let me stay"


"You confessed?" Jimin furrowed his eyes as he looked at Taehyung. "What did she say?"

"She is happy with him, so I had no chance" his words were heavy as a faint forced smile formed on his face.

"Why didn't you just reveal his character in front of her" Jimin snapped.

"I can't hyung, I can't make her sad. And if she starts hating him there is no guarantee that she would love me" Taehyung concluded.

He didn't wanted to talk about any more of it so he asked Jimin to leave, he wanted his own time.

Jimin left the apartment and walked down an empty alley to take a shortcut. He was frustrated, he could do nothing for Taehyung. And it was again Jungkook who is making him feel useless, he wanted to take his revenge and you were probably the best way because either way Jungkook has huge soft corner for you.

Jimin kicked on an empty can of soda that was lying in the street but he kicked it so hard that it went flying and landed on the head of a girl who was coming from the other way.

"Ouch" she groaned and pressed her hand on her head.

"Oh Shit!" Jimin mumbled and ran towards her direction.

"Are you alright? I am so sorry" Jimin was concerned at first but then gasped after seeing the girl as she looked at her.

"Emma?" his eyes popped out and he was surprised to see her.

"Jimin" Emma mumbled "Hi, it's been long"

Jimin turned his face and started walking he didn't want to talk to her, never again.

"Jimin wait" she pulled his arm in order to stop him from storming away. "Jimin what happened was not right, please forgive me"

Tears accumulated in her eyes and Jimin had to stop. "What do you want?"

"I just want you to forgive me" Emma replied and he sighed. But suddenly something clicked on his mind and he smirked.

"You really want me to forgive you?" Emma nodded as a yes.

"Then do something for me"

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