Han River

49 1 0

YEAR 2020

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting hues of orange and pink across the Seoul skyline, Gu Hye-jin found herself lost in thought, her mind buzzing with anticipation. The meeting with her uncle, Park Jin Young, had left her with a sense of purpose, igniting a newfound determination to navigate the uncertain waters of love and marriage.

With a flicker of excitement coursing through her veins, Hye-jin settled into the plush leather seat of her car, the engine purring to life at her command. Tonight marked the beginning of her journey, a journey filled with hopes, dreams, and perhaps even a hint of romance.

As she navigated through the bustling streets of Seoul, Hye-jin couldn't shake the feeling of excitement tinged with nervousness. The profiles her uncle had provided lay nestled in her bag, each one a potential glimpse into her future. With each passing moment, she grew more eager to delve into their contents, curious to see what fate had in store for her.

Arriving at her luxurious apartment complex, Hye-jin stepped out of her car, the cool evening air brushing against her skin. Tonight, she would embark on a quest to find love, guided by the wisdom of her uncle and fueled by her own determination.

With a sense of purpose propelling her forward, Hye-jin made her way to her penthouse suite, the door swinging open with a soft click. Stepping into the opulent surroundings, she felt a surge of gratitude for the comforts that surrounded her, yet she couldn't shake the feeling of emptiness that lingered in the air.

As she settled into the plush cushions of her sofa, Hye-jin retrieved the envelope from her bag, her fingers trembling with anticipation. With a steady hand, she carefully opened the envelope, revealing the profiles nestled within.

One by one, she examined each profile, her eyes scanning the details with a mix of curiosity and apprehension. Each candidate seemed impressive in their own right, with prestigious backgrounds and promising futures, yet Hye-jin couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing.

Despite the impressive credentials and esteemed backgrounds of the potential suitors, none of them seemed to ignite the spark she yearned for. Each profile felt like a mere collection of accolades, lacking the depth and connection she sought in a partner.

With a heavy sigh, Hye-jin leaned back against the plush cushions of her sofa, her fingers tracing absent-minded patterns on the smooth surface of the profiles. She couldn't shake the feeling of disquiet that gnawed at her, a nagging sense of urgency urging her to find love on her own terms before it was too late.

The thought of her father, Gu Jin-ho, taking matters into his own hands loomed ominously in her mind, casting a shadow over her hopes and dreams. She knew all too well his relentless pursuit of status and power, his unwavering determination to secure a suitable match for his beloved daughter – even if it meant sacrificing her happiness in the process.

Hye-jin shuddered at the thought of her future being dictated by her father's ambitions, her heart recoiling at the prospect of being trapped in a loveless marriage for the sake of familial duty. She refused to succumb to the suffocating pressure of societal expectations, to relinquish control of her own destiny to the whims of others.

No, she vowed silently to herself, she would not allow her fate to be decided by anyone but herself. She would seize control of her own future, forging her own path to happiness and fulfillment, regardless of the obstacles that stood in her way.

With renewed determination coursing through her veins, Hye-jin made a decision – she would take matters into her own hands, embarking on a journey to find love on her own terms. She would explore every avenue, leave no stone unturned, until she found the one who set her heart ablaze with passion and desire.

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