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YEAR 2024

Hye-jin remained rooted in her place, her breath forming misty clouds in the chilly air. She watched in silence as the lights in Jihyo's apartment flickered off, one by one.

It was only when dawn began to break over Seoul, painting the sky with hues of pink and gold, Hye-jin decided to leave.

With a heavy sigh, she finally turned away, got inside her car. As she drove through the familiar streets, the emptiness seemed to seep into every corner of her being.

Entering the house, Hye-jin was greeted by a stillness that felt suffocating. The memories of laughter and shared moments lingered in every room, but now they only served to accentuate the palpable absence of Jihyo's presence. Despite the brightness of the morning sun, a shadow of loneliness loomed over Hye-jin, enveloping her in its embrace.

She wandered through the house, each step echoing in the silence, until she found herself standing in the heart of their shared space. The emptiness seemed to reverberate off the walls, amplifying the ache in her chest. Closing her eyes, Hye-jin tried to summon the warmth of their past happiness, but it felt distant, like a fading dream slipping through her fingers.

With a heavy heart, she realized that even the brightest dawn couldn't dispel the loneliness that now filled the air. And so, Hye-jin stood amidst the quietude, longing for the comfort of Jihyo's presence to chase away the emptiness that seemed to linger in the dawn's embrace.

Jihyo awoke to the morning light streaming through her window, feeling refreshed and ready to start the day. As she went about her morning routine, the memory of Nayeon and Jeongyeon's peculiar behavior from the previous night lingered in the back of her mind. Something seemed off, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it.

Descending from her room, she found Jeongyeon quietly sipping coffee by the window, her gaze fixed on something outside. Jihyo greeted her visitor with a cheerful "good morning," but her curiosity soon got the best of her.

"Is Nayeon unnie still asleep?" Jihyo inquired as she busied herself with breakfast preparations.

Jeongyeon's brief moment of distraction was evident as she tried to regain her composure. "Oh, uh, yeah, she's still resting," she replied, attempting to sound casual.

Jihyo couldn't help but notice the unease in Jeongyeon's demeanor. It was as if there was something she wasn't telling her.

"Is there something going on outside?" Jihyo prodded gently, sensing there was more to Jeongyeon's fixation on the window.

Jeongyeon's reaction was immediate, her attempt to dismiss the question betraying a hint of defensiveness. "What?... What are you talking about?" she stammered, her eyes darting away from Jihyo's probing gaze.

Caught off guard by Jeongyeon's response, Jihyo couldn't help but chuckle at her friend's transparent attempt to brush off the subject. "You have a good view, that's all," Jeongyeon insisted, though her words lacked conviction.

Jihyo raised an eyebrow, amusement dancing in her eyes. "Really? You don't have to sound so defensive. I was just asking," she teased, continuing to cook breakfast.

Jeongyeon's shoulders tensed slightly at Jihyo's observation, her facade faltering for a moment before she regained her composure. "I don't sound defensive, and I'm not," she protested, though her tone betrayed a hint of uncertainty.

As Jihyo focused on the task at hand, Jeongyeon's voice barely audible, whispered to herself, "I just don't know how to open up the topic to you, so as Nayeon unnie."

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