Chapter 4

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Ignoring the burn of my lungs and the fierce stinging of my pads, I raced down the mountainside, a grunt of surprise pushing past my lips as paws slammed into my flank. Rolling head-over-heels the last few fox-lengths before eventually rolling to a stop, I laid still, gasping for air and staring up at the clear blue sky as I waited for my pounding heart to calm. Pricking my ears at the sound of crunching rock, I tilted my head to the right as Skytail skidded to a halt a few paw-lengths away with Appleblossom following at his heels, Goosepaw stumbling down the mountainside a few tail-lengths behind.

" Ferretpaw!" Goosepaw yowled, flanks heaving as he stumbled to a halt. " Are you okay?"

" Yeah," I wheezed, rolling carefully onto my stomach and slowly rising to my paws, wincing at the slight pain in my shoulder, flanks, and back. " Just a little bruised."

" I'll be having a talk with you later about running off," Appleblossom meowed, voice sharp as she cuffed my ears, leaving a lingering sting. " You two stay here while Skytail and I go investigate." Swallowing a mew of protest I watched silently as the two warriors bolted off into the field, realizing with a flush of embarrassment that I'd been about to run blindly into the field, and that Skytail had saved my life knocking me down when he had.

" I hope nothing serious has happened," Goosepaw meowed, kneading the soft ground underpaw, whiskers twitching with nervousness as he watched the tall grass. Silently agreeing with him, I sat, ears pricked and eyes sharp as I searched for any sign of our mentors.

After a few minutes of silence I heard the sounds of pounding pawsteps, the sound growing louder as the grass rustled and the sharp scent of blood filled the air. Standing I pressed my flank against Goosepaw's, fur prickling nervously as I watched the field, a mixture of fear and excitement thrumming through my veins. Yowls of anger could be heard in the distance as a long-furred, ginger-and-white tom burst out of the grass, flanks heaving and eyes wide with panic.

" Help!" The tom wailed, staggering closer as blood dripped from a cut on his flank, the panic in his yellow eyes growing stronger as the yowls grew louder. " Please! They're going to kill me!"

" Stay away!" I spat, lashing out a paw when the tom got to close, with a yelp of pain he stumbled back, blood welling from a cut on his nose. " Appleblossom! Skytail!"

" You're one of them," the tom gasped, whipping around he was about to make a run for it when Orangepaw burst out of the grass, tackling the ginger-and-white tom to the ground. Spitting in fury the brown tabby she-cat viciously scorned her claws across his pelt, sinking sharp white teeth into his foreleg. Shrieking in pain, the ginger-and-white tom struggled underneath her, kicking and lashing out in a blind panic as Appleblossom and Mom raced out of the grass. Watching Orangepaw tussle against the rogue with wide eyes, easily pinning his squirming body down while raking her claws down his flank, I shrank away as Orangepaw yelped in surprise, backing away from the tom as blood dripped from a scratch on her cheek. Just as she was about to lunge again, Flashstar burst out of the grass, ordering her to stop with one word.

" Orangepaw, that's enough," Flashstar snapped, fixing Orangepaw with a stern glare until she reluctantly pulled away, allowing the tom to scrambled awkwardly to his paws and coward back. " Rogue, think of this as a warning. Stay out of Stoneclan territory, if we ever catch you here again my warriors have permission to kill you. Now leave!" Without hesitation the ginger-and-white rogue bolted, heading towards the Mapleclan border. " Skytail and Appleblossom, make sure he leaves." Just seconds later Skytail padded out of the grass, blood welling from a tear in his ear, with a nod of confirmation the two warriors took off at a steady trot, sniffing out the trail the rogue left.

" Mom, are you alright?" Goosepaw asked, padding forward and giving Mom's tabby pelt a sniff. " I smell blood on you." Standing up from a crouch I took a step forward, and nearby fell face-first in into the dirt, standing on shaking legs I carefully stepped forward, pressing against Mom's flank I flushed in embarrassment, realizing with a sniff that the rogue's fear-scent wasn't the only fear-scent in the air.

" I'm fine," Mom meowed, voice hoarse with pain as she turned to face us, stifling a gasp of horror at the sight of her face, a gash ran from the center of her forehead, curving to run across her swollen eye, and stopping just before reaching her nose. " Nothing a few herbs can't fix."

" I'll take you three back to camp," Flashstar meowed, tail flicking as he turned to Orangepaw. " Go collect the prey Brindletail caught and bring it back to camp."

" Yes Flashstar," Orangepaw grumbled, meeting my gaze for a second, in which I ducked my head and turned away from her, moss-balls bouncing around in my stomach. I didn't look up till a few seconds later, avoiding my brother's confused glance, I set off after Flashstar, who was already making his way up the mountain.

 I didn't look up till a few seconds later, avoiding my brother's confused glance, I set off after Flashstar, who was already making his way up the mountain

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(This is a picture of Ferretpaws mom. Its just to show u waht her scar looks like. Nothing fancy)

Ooooohh, someone has a crush!!!

Finally felt motivated to update. Not my best writing but I hope you guys like it.
I would also like to thank all of you readers who have continued to read my book, thank you! But please remember that updates aren't going to be common, I'm very busy right now but hopefully things will slow down with the last few months of school approaching. Have a great day everyone!

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