Chapter 5

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 Scaling the steep slope back to camp, I winced at each step, stinging pain in my paw pads as I left a trail of smeared blood. Lagging greatly behind Flashstar and Mom, I pricked my ears and peered over my shoulder, hiding a smile as Goosepaw struggled even further behind, ears drooping and tail dragging as he struggled to keep up. Taking pity on him, I slowed even further, barely at a walking pace by the time I was side-by-side with Goosepaw. " Crazy day," I meowed, swallowing a snicker as Goosepaw stubbed his toe on a rock, whimpering as he walked a few steps with his paw high in the air before placing it back on the ground.

" I'm just glad we didn't have to fight that rogue," Goosepaw panted. " With the injuries he gave Mom, he'd have killed us." Scoffing, I picked up the pace, leaving Goosepaw struggling to keep up. That mangy rogue wouldn't have laid a claw on us. I'd rather die in battle than die a sniveling coward.

" Did you see the way Orangepaw fought?" I questioned, warmth bursting across my pelt at the thought of the fierce brown she-cat. " It was amazing. She was amazing."

" Yeah," Goosepaw meowed, speeding up into a steady trot as the land started to flatten out. " But I would have done better."

" Then why didn't you?" I teased, kicking up a cloud of dust as I broke into a sprint, quickly passing him by. Chuckling at his cry of protest, I bounded across the bare landscape, a shower of rocks signaling that Goosepaw had started running, and was getting closer by the second. " Run as fast as you can! You'll never run faster than me!"

" That's what you think!" Goosepaw yowled, appearing suddenly at my side and slowly overtaking me. Gaping in surprise, I lengthened my stride, pushing myself faster but watching as he slowly drew farther and farther ahead. As the entrance to camp came into view, Goosepaw disappeared as I slowed to a trot, flanks heaving from the short run, but my skin heated with happiness. I haven't had this much fun in a while. " Come on, slow-poke!" Rolling my eyes, I squeezed past the narrow crack, fur scraping the cold rock, and padded into camp, immediately spotting Goosepaw sprawled out on a large boulder, flanks heaving but eyes closed, like he was resting peacefully. Smirking, I dropped into a crouch, taking care to avoid hitting any pebbles and brush as I stalked over to the boulder, taking care to keep my claws sheathed, I leapt onto the rock. With a triumphant yowl, I launched myself at Goosepaw, earning a yelp of surprise from my gray brother, pinning him to the ground with a paw on his shoulder and another on his flank. I smiled down at him, ignoring his irritated glare.

" That's what you get for calling me a slow-poke," I meowed, giving his ears a sharp cuff before climbing off. Laying down next to him, I glanced around camp, spotting Snowsong and Wolfflight were sharing tongues nearby, Snowsong having recovered from her wounds with lasting scars, Gustwind, Thistlespring, and Birchshine were chatting underneath an overhang, Birchshine's flanks swelling with unborn kits. " Ugh, I forgot to grab my mouse."

" Let's go ask Snowsong if we can go fetch it," Goosepaw meowed, standing, I picked my way over to the clan deputy and her mate.

" Snowsong! Can we go fetch a mouse I caught earlier?" I called, tilting my head back as Snowsong peered down from the rock she was sitting on, a pink scar splitting across her forehead and stopping just above her eye.

" Hmm, be quick about it and come right back," Snowsong meowed, thick white fur gleaming in the sun. " If you're not back in two hours, I'm sending a patrol to look for you and you'll be in a lot of trouble."

" Okay," Goosepaw chirped, already bounding over to the entrance. Padding after him, dipping my head in respect as Flashstar padded past. Once squeezing through the entrance, I broke into a sprint, steady gaining on Goosepaw as the landscape grew steeped and rockier, eventually passing him as he stumbled over a rock. " Hey, wait up!"

" Who's the slow-poke now?!" I yowled, bounding across the mountainside as Goosepaw grew farther and farther behind. Leaping onto a sun-warmed boulder, I sat down and waited for him to catch up.

Fifteen minutes passed before I spotted his gray pelt, purring in amusement at his disheveled appearance, spotted coat ruffled and brush tangled in, mouth wide open and tongue hanging out. " That," Goosepaw heaved, sitting next to me and leaving against my shoulder. " That wasn't funny."

" Not my fault you can't handle a little rock climbing," I purred, pulling away and leaving him to tumble head-first into the ground. " Maybe you should spend some more time in the mountains."

" No chance of that happening," Goosepaw scoffed, closing his eyes as he laid, unmoving in the awkward position he was in. " Skytail hates climbing, with a passion. It cost me a quarter moon of elder duties just so I could come train with you, and that didn't even happen."

"'re willing to do elder duties just to train with me?" I questioned, blinking in surprise. My brother hated, and I mean, hated, changing bedding.

" Yeah, and it looks like I'll be stuck doing it even though we didn't get to train," Goosepaw meowed. A burst of affection for my brother spread through my body, purring I leaned down, nuzzling his cheek affectionately.

" I've missed you too, little brother," I purred, smiling as he groaned in annoyance. Goosepaw hated being reminded that he was younger than me, especially when we were kits. " Get up, we still have a mouse to fetch."

Well, finally updated, I don't like this chapter very much but its better than nothing. Hope you enjoy!

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