Chapter 6

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 Kicking up a cloud of dust, I lunged across the clearing, paws aiming for a pale brown flank. A heartbeat before my paws hit my mark, the brown tom jumped out of the way, leaving me to slam heavily into the ground, pain jolting up my legs from the hard landing. Gritting my teeth, I whipped around, yowling in surprise as my back leg was kicked out from underneath and I flopped ungracefully onto my side, glaring up at Birchpaw's cheesy grin.

 " Great job, Ferretpaw," Goosepaw called from the edge of the clearing.

" For what?" Orangepaw sneered. Heart dropping at the cruel sneer on her face, I stood, ears flattening as a wave of embarrassment washed over me, heating my skin to the blazing temperature of the sun. " For lasting a couple more seconds longer than before?"

" Need I remind you, Orangepaw," Goosepaw meowed, voice clipped and edged with irritation. " Birchpaw is eleven moons old, which is four moons of training more than Ferretpaw. If you were fighting a warrior with moons more experience, you'd lose."

" And need I remind you, Goosepaw," Orangepaw spat, spitting out my brother's name like she'd just bitten into a rotten piece of prey. " That I did in fact fight a warrior moons older, several warriors, and I won." Whiskers twitching in anger, Goosepaw turned his back to the brown tabby she-cat.

" Enough," Appleblossom meowed, standing from her spot on a small boulder that sat in the middle of the clearing. " The next fight will be between Orangepaw and Riverpaw." Padding over to the edge of the clearing, I plopped down next to Goosepaw, watching as Riverpaw and Orangepaw stepped into the clearing, muscles rippling underneath their coats. Orangepaw dropped into a battle crouch, form held almost to perfection, while Riverpaw splayed out her legs, keeping her weight spread out and her steps springy. " Go!"

Without hesitation, Orangepaw darted forward, forepaw raising to land a heavy blow to Riverpaw's muzzle, but the blue-gray she-cat jumped to the side, paws raking down Orangepaw's flank. With a hiss of frustration, Orangepaw twisted, snatching Riverpaw's tail between her teeth and knocking her back legs. Yelping in surprise, Riverpaw face-planted into the dirt, Orangepaw leapt onto her back, but Riverpaw rolled away at the last second. Scrambling to her paws, Riverpaw twisted, smacking Orangepaw's muzzle, stunning the she-cat, before leaping backwards, out of range of Orangepaw's attacks. The two stood for a moment, before suddenly leaping forward, slamming into each other at the same time, landing in a tangle of limbs and fur.

The two rolled around for a bit, breaking apart only for a heartbeat before tackling each other once more. The fight continued for a few more minutes, ending with Orangepaw standing triumphantly over Riverpaw, flanks heaving as they fought for breath.

" Great job, both of you," Elmstream meowed, climbing to his paws and shaking out his dark tabby coat. " It's almost sunhigh. We should head back if we're going to make it in time for the ceremony."

" Flashstar can't start without me," Orangepaw snorted. " After all, it is my warrior ceremony." Standing, I trotted after Orangepaw, admiring her elegant strides, the proud tilt of her head, and the confidence in every step.

" She's got you whipped," Elmstream chuckled, padding past with a glimmer of amusement in his eyes. Blinking in confusion, I turned my attention back towards Orangepaw as she disappeared into camp, picking up speed, I darted after her.

" I, Flashstar, leader of Stoneclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down upon these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as warriors in turn," Flashstar meowed, beckoning Crypresspaw forward with a flick of his tail. " Crypresspaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code, and protect and defend this clan, even at the cost of your life?"

" I do," Crypresspaw meowed, voice strong and steady as he stared up at the leader.

" Then by the powers of Starclan, I give you your warrior name!" Flashstar yowled. " Crypesspaw, from this moment on you will be known as Crypresswing. Starclan honors your devotion and your clever wit and we welcome you as a full warrior of Stoneclan." Puffing up his chest, the dark brown tabby tom stepped back, allowing Orangepaw to take his place. " Orangepaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code, and protect and defend this clan, even at the cost of your life?"

" I do," Orangepaw meowed, voice strong but edged with impatience. Seems like someones impatient to get their warrior name.

" Then by the powers of Starclan, I give you your warrior name!" Flashstar yowled, pride swirling in his pale eyes. " Orangepaw, from this moment on you will be known as Orangeeyes. Starclan honors your loyalty and your battle skill and we welcome you as a full warrior of Stoneclan."

" Crypresswing! Orangeeyes!" The clan cheered, joining in I made sure to scream Orangeeyes's name till my throat ached. One day. One day, it will be my turn. One day, the clan will be cheering my warrior name.

Finally updated. Kinda boring chapter, not much happening, but I hope you enjoy! And speaking of updating, I have decided to put this book on hold till school is over. I have enough stress worrying about my grades and on top of that, this book, I just can't, sorry. But, if I get a comment on each chapter from two different people, and a vote for each chapter from at least one person, I will update. Have a good weekend everyone!
Oh, I would also like to dedicate this chapter to Sparrowstrike. You all have them to thank for this update, they did something really nice and I got off my lazy butt and wrote a chapter. So, read their book, it's really good. Not finished, but I've cried quiet a few times. Poor Brightkit

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