Chapter 5

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I thought Jane was cute in her ballet attire, and she is, but I still cannot get over how adorable she looks in her martial arts outfit even if this is the third time I'm seeing her in it. Her thick cotton white pants, shirt, and a little white belt that cinches at the waist. Her ringlets are in a ponytail and her feet are bare. I can't stop smiling for the life of me as I watch her through the glass, yelling hi-ya with all the other four-year-old kids. Their age group is called the Little Dragons. I mean, come on.

For her parents, I take a video of her following the instructor by punching in the air and kicking her feet next. She takes it so seriously and she's so concentrated. I think I can be heard chuckling in the background and I hope they know I'm only laughing because it's adorable, not that I'm laughing at her. I would never.

At the end of the class, all the children bow to the instructor and he bows to them in return. Lana is still full of energy as she comes skipping out of the room, turning her head from side to side to look for me amongst the crowd of parents. This class is a lot bigger than her dainty ballet class with Miss Rachel.

"Jane!" I call above the noise, and she weaves her way through the other kids to get to me by her cubby. "You did so good, babe!"

"You watched?" She smiles, but she knows what the answer to that question always is.

"Of course," I guide her feet into her rain boots while she holds my shoulders to remain steady. "I took a video to send to your mommy and daddy, too."

Now that she has her raincoat on, I send for the Uber and pick her up in my arms with her bag on my other shoulder. I carry her out to the front entrance of the building where it's not so hectic with kids of multiple ages getting out of their classes at the same time. From here, I can see that it's raining harder than it was when we arrived, but there's really no use in fussing with an umbrella if all we're going to do is jump right in the car. Our waterproof jackets will have to do.

"Ready?" I adjust the hood on her head to cover her face.

"Mhm," She hugs my neck as I fight the wind to push the door open, trying to hurry to the black SUV without tripping or slipping.

I throw her booster seat into the back and put her in next, feeling the rain start to soak the back of my jeans before I jump in with her. She gives me a wary look, earning a laugh from me as I help buckle her in while the car takes off. I fucking hate when they do that as if they don't know that there's a child back here who needs to be settled before they jet off onto the streets with some of the worst drivers in the world.

"So, I think we're going to have chicken, rice, and broccoli for dinner before bath time," I say. "How does that sound?"

"Good," she replies, both of us looking out the window at the rain sliding down the glass at an angle. Before too long, Jane starts to trace and follow them with her small pointer finger out of boredom in traffic.

My phone buzzes with a text, and I expect it to be Harry or Allison when I see it's from my group chat with Maya and Jackie.

Mayo: Lana come out with us tomorrow night
Mayo: It's been forever

Jax: Pleeeeease!

I feel my stomach sink in disappointment. I wish.

Me: I'm working for the dad this week/weekend, so I can't
Me: I should be off next Friday/Saturday night

Mayo: Ughhhh

Jax: Wait, how has the dad's apartment been? Has he made a move on you yet?

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