Chapter 74

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Two & a Half Months Later

"He's smiling at me, Lana!" Jane giggles where she's sitting on the bed with Mason, watching him on his infant pillow.

"Of course, he's smiling at you, silly," I remove my hair from its claw clip to rake my fingers through it, heading out of the bathroom. "He loves you."

"He's funny," she lies down right next to him with her face close to his, and sure enough, he smiles back at her. He's a happy baby, but I think a lot of it has to do with Jane as well.

"Let's go hand him off to your daddy," I mind his head as I pick him up from the bed, smushing kisses to his cheek with Jane following hot on my heels.

Harry is downstairs on the couch, slouching into the cushions comfortably with a book. One of his resolutions this year was to read more books in what little spare time he has, and I have to say he's been doing a pretty great job. Most nights, he'll read at least five pages before bed even when he can barely keep his eyes open.

The corner of his mouth starts to lift as he folds the page to save his place before setting the book on the couch. "Well, you two look very pretty."

"Thank you," I smirk down at my white wide-leg trousers and a slightly cropped white tank top to match, and Jane is in a pair of jeans with a sunflower-patterned jumper.

"Are you heading out?" He forms a cradle with his arms so I can lower Mason into them.

"Yeah, my appointment is in forty-five minutes and it'll take us a little longer than a half-hour to get there," I tilt my head and lean in for a kiss. "We're just going to the appointment and then brunch, and I'll make sure to be back before 3:00."

"Alright," he holds his arm out for Jane to crawl up on the couch and kiss him goodbye. "Be good, baby."

"Okay, bye, Daddy," she purses her lips to kiss his cheek before turning to Mason. "Bye, baby Mason!"

Harry and I smile at each other as she kisses him and makes a loud smooching sound in the process. "Be safe, you two."

"We will," I hold my hand out for Jane to take it as we leave the apartment to wait for the Uber outside. "I'm really going to need your help today, okay? You promise to be honest with me about all the dresses?"

"I promise," she makes a cross motion on her heart, which she learned from me in the last week or so. Now she does it all the time and it looks adorable on her.

As our Uber arrives, I open the back door for her to slide in first and make sure her seatbelt is buckled before securing mine. I text the girls and my mom in the group chat to make sure they know which store we're going to and they reassure me that they're already either there or on their way.

I know it might seem a little silly, but I very much consider this to be a big day and a big event for me. For the last two months, I've been focusing on myself and slowly working on getting back to being healthy after nine months of binge eating the worst possible food known to man. I'm pretty sure I once went two days of eating nothing but fried pickles with peanut butter and banana milkshakes for every snack and meal.

That being said, I've traded fried foods for fresh fruit and milkshakes for smoothies, and I can't even explain how much better I feel from the inside out. As I keep taking care of myself, I feel more and more capable of taking care of my baby and that's important.

And now, I have the most excited butterflies in my stomach as the car stops in front of the bridal shop where I have my appointment at. Jane looks excited as well as she hops out after me so we can walk up to the glass front door hand-in-hand, and I'm already beaming as we see the mannequins wearing various styles of wedding gowns beside a backdrop full of flowers, and the lit up cursive sign that reads Lovely Bride. I can't believe I'm here for me.

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