Chapter 12

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Carter has truly turned out to be a better distraction than I thought would be possible. I really assumed that we would have our one night together and that would be it, but I've seen him four times since then in the last month. We've had sex every time and it's been great every time, but I'm not quite sure where it's going. We haven't had that conversation yet and I don't really know how to tell him that I'm not looking to date anyone right now. Well, that's not entirely true.

Even now, while he has me on my back and he's kissing my neck, otherwise demanding my attention in every physical way, my thoughts are on Harry as I close my eyes and tighten my thighs around someone else's waist. Don't get me wrong, Carter is stupidly attractive and it's not as though I have to imagine someone else to reach my peak, but Harry always makes his way into my thoughts like clockwork every single time we're being intimate together. It's becoming a serious problem that I don't know how to fix, and knowing that he lives right upstairs only makes it worse.

As Carter pushes himself up on his palms to hover above me, hanging his head to watch himself thrust in and out of me for a moment, I force myself to think about only him. I take into account his flushed cheeks and the way his short dark blonde waves are sticking to his temples, and I run my palms down his chest to remind myself that he's real and he's the only man I'm having sex with right now...despite what else I want.

"Fuck," he breathes out and looks up at me, tilting his head to capture my lips in a mismatched kiss.

We moan simultaneously as he lowers himself back down to thrust in deeper and faster, and I start breathing more heavily over his shoulder right before I feel my orgasm creeping on. I smile then, locking my fingers through his hair as my hips pulse up against his. Per usual, that sets him off until he coughs out a moan and stills against me, filling up another condom.

"Oh my God," I drop my head back on the mattress, closing my eyes to see little white dots behind them. "I'm sweating."

"Sorry," he laughs, kissing my parted lips before he pulls out and stands from the bed to push his bedroom window open. The breeze that flows in afterward is almost as euphoric as the climax I just had. "I'll be right back."

"Mm," I'm still trying to fully catch my breath as I stretch out and look toward the window, squinting at the pale blue sky. There isn't a single cloud today, or not that I can see, anyway.

At the sound of the toilet flushing down the hall, I sit up in Carter's T-shirt and lazily climb off the bed to go clean myself up after him. With his Tommy Hilfiger briefs on now, he smacks my ass while we pass each other in the hallway, making me laugh and jump away from him before I shut myself in the bathroom. It's always clean, which I can appreciate.

After I use the bathroom, I wash my hands and dampen my face with cold water, inspecting myself in the mirror. I feel like today is the day that Carter and I should have a conversation about what we're doing to make sure we're on the same page before someone gets their feelings hurt...that "someone" being him. If he told me right now that he never wanted to see me again, I'd be bummed to miss out on the orgasms and our flirty conversations, but I wouldn't be heartbroken in the slightest.

His bed is messily made now, and he's still half-naked as he lies down on his side with his phone in hand. He drops it in my presence, but not suspiciously. It's as if he doesn't want to be rude, and there's nothing he could possibly want to hide from me anyway. We're not exclusive or anything close to it.

"Feeling alright?" He pats the bed for me to join him.

"Yeah," I kneel on the mattress before settling down on my butt, hugging my knees to my chest while he holds my left ankle. "I thought maybe we should talk."

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