First man, first love

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Lucifer was curious. Of all the angels, he was God's favorite and that made him wonder why he created humans. They were fine with what they had, a paradise where they lived with their brothers, but no, God had to create imperfect beings and give them immortality, Lucifer did not understand.
That is why he observed. Every day he went down to Eden to see God's creations. First there was a single man, naked, and always surrounded by animals. He looked happy, had tanned skin and always a smile on his face. Adam. He had never dared to approach anyway, at first it gave him the creeps. Then a woman, Lilith, long-haired and slender.
However, each time he went down, he became more curious about the man. In some sense, he reminded him of him when he was younger, that illusion and positive energy that makes animals not afraid of him and actually wanting to spend time with him. He didn't seem to get along so well with the woman though.

One day Lucifer came down determined to approach him. He was so curious that he could not cope with it anymore, he had reached his peak. When he arrived, he could locate Adam sitting under the tree, a deer and a couple of rabbits were taking a nap next to him who also seemed to be asleep. It was at that moment that Lucifer decided to approach him, and get a closer look. He flew stealthily towards him like an owl and knelt down to his right. He looked the human up and down, he had muscles, but not too pronounced. A nice tan color and fairly shiny autumn colored hair. Lucifer stood examining his body for a while, looking at his face more closely. As far as he was concerned, he was similar to angels only his skin was a different color. And he had no wings. Nor magic, what a waste, he thought.
When he turned his gaze back to Adam's face he saw the most beautiful yellow eyes, looking back at him. They were warm, like summer, bright as the sun, and Lucifer stood rapt as they looked at each other curiously.
Those eyes, those same eyes that watched him from where the cannibals were trying to eat him.

Fuck, he thought. He's not dead. HE'S NOT DEAD. Something ancient twisted in the devil's stomach, a feeling that should have vanished eons ago. He deserved to die, to be eaten alive if need be, he'd already caused so much damage. Get your shit toguether Lucifer, he himself was supposed to be the evil incarnate, withouth compassion for anyone and had tried to kill Charlie, yet... a little voice in his head was telling him to save him. Not for the person he was now but for the person he once was, for the friendship they once had before...well, before Eve.

All right, he will take care of his punishment. He deserved punishment, but perhaps being eaten alive was a tiny bit extreme. If that stayed on his conscience...If Charlie somehow found out that he'd let someone with a chance at redemption get eaten alive...okay, this was his own personal project.
Lucifer snapped his fingers and discreetly sent Adam's body back to his castle. He disappeared for a moment to leave him tied to the bed and asked his servants to stop the bleeding, he'd deal with that later. He made sure the ropes were securely tied before returning to Charlie and helping her repair the hotel.

The most probable scenario is that in heaven they would have presumed Adam dead, and here in hell, for the time being, it suited him for them to think so too. Probably if Adam had died, he would have been reincarnated in hell; it wouldn't be the first time that when an angel dies, they end up in hell. Certainly, it's not like anyone else would know, but when Carmilla arrived in hell, he knew it immediately. The same angels who had banished him had killed Carmilla and her two daughters.
Just as angels know when a soul arrives in heaven, Lucifer knows when a soul arrives in hell. And if those souls were former angels... it wouldn't be the first time nor the last. However, on the contrary, it didn't happen, at least not that he knew of. It's not like heaven was going to tell him anything anyway. When a soul died in hell, they perished forever. He was not aware of any soul of any sinner ever reaching heaven before, that's why he didn't want Charlie to obsess over that dream, anyways.

The thing is, Adam hadn't died, but a soul from heaven could only survive for a certain time in hell without being corrupted, and once that happened... they would become one of them. Adam would be a good challenge for Charlie, but before that, he deserved to suffer. He deserved punishment for trying to kill Charlie. For letting himself be seduced by pride... he deserved to fall from heaven, just like he did. It wasn't fair that a soul like Adam's was in heaven, at least not the soul he had become. The only reason Adam hadn't fallen before was because God favored his first creation, he knew that better than anyone. But now that he was in his clutches... no one could stand between Adam and his punishment. No one. And that filled him with anticipation and... happiness. For some reason, having Adam all to himself was exhilarating.

Charlie was downcast over the death of her friend, although Lucifer didn't know him, it hurt to see his daughter like that, so he did what he knew best, he sang to her. Singing to her, cheering her and her friends up, and helping her rebuild the hotel. They all did a good job, they even built a small office for when he came to visit her, which he hoped to do more often. Thanks to Charlie, he felt better, he couldn't say who helped whom more, if he helped her or she helped him, ironic. Once he made sure everything was in order, he addressed Charlie.

"Darling, I'm afraid I have to say goodbye to take care of some... matters. Please, don't hesitate to call me if anything happens, or if you need help, I'll do whatever I can."

Charlie, in turn, hugged her father, so tight it seemed like she was going to burst, but evil itself hugged her back, and smiled tenderly. "Thank you, Dad."

Lucifer almost started crying right there on his daughter's shoulder. She's strong, she can take care of herself. "I'm so proud of you"

This time it was Charlie's turn to break the embrace to look at her father, the man who ruled hell. Responsible for humans falling into sin. He looked at her with so much love in his eyes. Charlie hugged her father again with tears in her eyes.

"You're welcome to come whenever you want, Dad," she said.

With that, they broke the embrace. Lucifer waved goodbye to the rest of the lobby and disappeared in a spiral of red smoke.

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