Breaking down walls

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Lucifer held Adam's afflicted and tearful face in his hands as Adam unleashed all sorts of insults and demanded that he let go. He didn't know what to do, so he embraced him. He pressed Adam's face against his chest where his heart was racing, took a deep breath, and waited for Adam to calm his sobs. Only soothing words came out of his mouth, sweet and reassuring words, until, dazed by his own emotions, he decided to plunge the man into a gentle sleep. He laid him back down on the bed and sat at the foot of it. He decided to send a quick message to his daughter to let her know that Adam had woken up and that everything had gone more or less well (disastrously).

He pulled his knees up and wrapped his arms and tail around them as he buried his head in them. If you had told him two months ago that he would see the man who broke his heart, but for whom he had accumulated so much anger by committing suicide, and that his heart would race, he would have laughed in your face. Damn it, even when he saw Adam being stabbed over and over again, it didn't feel as real, but now that he had been in his company for so long... it affected him too much that Adam would rather die than stay here with him, just like he preferred to stay on Earth with that bitch Eva.

Lucifer shook his head. He couldn't dive into that kind of thinking; those thoughts were what led him to act as he did in Eden in the first place. It's not like he didn't understand it, of course he assumed that Adam had someone else in his heart, he just didn't think that the space he occupied would be so insignificant. On the contrary, with Lucifer it was the other way around. Adam held a special place in Lucifer's heart; he was in love, for him Adam was like breathing. He had found a meaning to his existence beyond the rules imposed by heaven. And for what? For his heart to be trampled at the first turn.

It's not that Lucifer hadn't found a way to love again; he did love Lilith, just as Adam loved Eve, but their hearts wanted different things. They never quite understood each other, outwardly the perfect couple. Inside? A mess. The worst part is that the love he felt for Adam became mixed with not-so-healthy emotions, like anger and resentment, until it reached a point where he despised him for a while. When Adam finally died, however, Lucifer's feelings changed again, as if in a state of shock. He had gone through so many states of what he once called love that at the moment he found out he had gone to heaven he felt absolutely nothing, and at that moment, he thought he had overcome it. He focused on his house, on his family, and tried to handle it as best as he could until the day of the extermination presentation arrived.

When the meeting was called by Heaven, Lucifer didn't know what to expect, he didn't know what he would find. However, when he entered the room and saw that angel with a mask of enormous horns, he knew it, it was Adam. It was overwhelming to think about that moment. Had they told him in Heaven what Eve did? Would he still love her? How did he live his life? Was he happy? Did he have many children? He felt like he wanted Adam to tell him his anecdotes, his stories, and for the first time, remembering the old times, he smiled.

However, his ecstasy lasted only briefly, specifically until the moment Adam opened his big mouth. In a condescending manner, he greeted him, without a hint of emotion or recognition that they were once friends. If anyone saw the interaction from the outside, it seemed as if the long history that bound them together had simply evaporated. He explained the extermination and made them sign a contract, which Lucifer did apathetically. There was no friction, no glance, nothing on the face that indicated they knew each other from before. It was so unsettling that Lucifer even wondered if this guy really was Adam, but he would recognize his scent anywhere. Once the contract was signed, Adam ascended to Heaven and since then they had no further interactions.

Lucifer raised his gaze from his knees to the man lying on the bed. The room dimly lit by the moonlight filtering through the window. Silence reigned in hell, which was rare, only interrupted by a slight night breeze and Adam's steady breathing. He had to put him to sleep when he saw that, no matter what he did, he wouldn't calm down and Lucifer's own feelings were overwhelming him. These feelings... he couldn't quite decipher them. An amalgam of emotions that must have remained locked deep within his being, as they had been for all these centuries.

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