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I just realized I forgot to do disclaimers. Oops.
Transformers, unfortunately, does not belong to me. I only own OCs and original ideas. All other rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" I cringed at my mom's shrill voice. "I thought I told you wait for me at the school!"

"... For two hours?"

"I don't care how long you had to wait!" My mom snapped. "I have to get to another meeting in three hours and I'm suppose to go to a party with my coworkers after that! Do you have any idea how selfish you are being?!"

"Oh, don't worry. Your daughter was perfectly safe," Ben growled sarcastically. I just noticed everyone's angry expressions.

"Who the hell are you people?"

"... They're my friends," I said timidly.

My mom scoffed. "You've never had friends," she sneered. "Why would that ever change?"

Her words pierced me like a knife. I didn't know what I was expecting her to say, but this wasn't it. Everyone else's expressions went from angry to furious. Ben stood up and made a move towards my mom, but Orion and Spencer held him back.

"We're going home," my mom snapped before grabbing my arm and roughly pulling me along with her. I gave everyone one last, sad glance before I was dragged out of the diner.


"I don't know where this rebellious behavior came from, but I don't care for it!" My mom hissed as she slipped into her red cocktail dress. "I didn't raise you to be a troublesome little wretch. I worked my ass off to make sure you were the perfect child I always dreamed of having. Do you know how horrible it is to me, to feel like all those years of hard work were wasted all in one day?" She sighed. "Well, enough of that. How do I look?"

"... You look beautiful," I said softly.

My mom smiled as she looked at her reflection in the mirror.

"I do, don't I?" She said. "It's a shame you don't get it from me."

I bit my lip. Even after twelve years, the same insults still hurt. Just then, the doorbell rang. My mom got to the door before I could, and opened it. To my surprise, I saw Ben standing outside.

"Hello, Mrs. Parker," he said. "I just wanted to stop by and talk to you." My mom looked at him questioningly.

"... Yes?"

Ben looked her firmly in the eye. "My family and I didn't appreciate the way you treated your daughter in front of us. You had no concern for her safety, you openly insulted her, and you left her alone for two hours long after school closed without any regard of what could've happened to her in that amount of time. I don't know what your deal is, but I personally don't think you're qualified to be a legal guardian, especially hers." My mom looked as shocked as I was. "I have't known your daughter for that long," Ben continued. "Which is why I'm sorry that you, of all people, can't see the amazing girl I see."

... Did I hear that right?

"It's a real pity," Ben said as he glanced over at me. "Not knowing what's in front of you."

My mom was speechless for what felt like hours. "Well... If that's all, I have to go," she finally said as she made her way around Ben. I was still trying to comprehend what had just happened when my mother turned to me. "You're aunt will be here tomorrow at 1:00," she called to me as she got in her car.

"W-wait, why?" I asked.

"Your dad and I are going to Vegas tonight," my mom replied. "We'll be back at the end of October."

Wait, WHAT?!

"You're leaving me alone for five months?!"

"Did I not say that your aunt was coming?"

"When were you going to tell me this?!"

"I don't have time to tell you every little thing that goes on in my life!"

I could only stare at my mom in disbelief as she drove off.

"... Well, I defiantly hate that woman," Ben said after awhile.

I sighed and shook my head. "Try living with her," I joked. Ben gave me a look. "... Why don't you come in?"

Ben hesitated for a moment before following me into the house.

"It's a dump, right?" I said as we sat in the couch.

"I've seen worse," Ben said before handing me a takeout box and a fork. "I saved your food."

I smiled before opening the box. Inside was my chicken steak, mashed potatoes, and green beans. They were most likely cold by now, but I was too hungry care. Ben chuckled as I scarfed down the food.

"Hey, slow down or you'll choke," he teased.

I glared at him. "I'm hungry and this food is good," I said with my mouth stuffed. "Bite me, Benjamin."

Ben rolled his eyes as I continued to eat my dinner. It a few minutes, it was gone.

"See, didn't choke," I said... Right before I hiccuped.

Ben smirked at me.

"... Not one-hiccup!-word."

"... Told you so."


"Technically, that was three words, so I did listen to you," he jested.

"Oh, shut up!"

There was a moment of silence... Before I hiccuped again. Ben snickered, causing me to glare at him.

"You think this is-hiccup!-funny?" I snapped.

"Yeah, kinda," Ben said, still snickering. "You sound like a puppy."

"I do not-"


"I don't sound like-"


"Stop doing-"


"I swear-hiccup!"


We stared at each other for a long time before breaking down in laughter. I was gasping for air once we collected ourselves.

"Thank you, Ben."

"For what?" He asked, sounding confused.

I smiled. "For making me laugh," I said. "You're the only other person besides my aunt who's able to do that."

Ben smiled warmly. "Well, that's what friends are for," he said.

"... I've been alone all my life," I said quietly. "My mom doesn't care about me, my dad seems to never be home, and I've been locked up in a house until now." Ben's smile began to disappear. "When my dad dropped me off at school today, I wanted him to take me home and homeschool me," I admitted. "It's not because I liked it, it's because I was scared. I didn't know what it was like to be around other people. But then you... You and your friends were so kind to me and I... I loved the way I felt when I spent time with all of you."

Ben took my hand, looking me in the eye. "How did it you feel?"

"... Alive, and loved."

Ben smiled softly before pulling me into a hug. "I glad we were able to make you feel that way," he said softly.

"Me too."

We sat there for what felt like a lifetime before I drifted off into sleep.

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