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"So, where exactly did Chromia go last night?" I asked as I followed Ironhide. He had been kind enough to take me to the Disneyland Park so I could take my mind off of things... Like the fact that a Decepticon psychopath was hunting me. Surprisingly, the place was almost empty.

"Optimus called and requested that one of us assist the hunt," Ironhide replied. "He said that they managed to pinpoint Barricade's location and needs some extra help to capture him."

"They haven't caught him yet?" I asked.

Ironhide shook his head. "He's always been a sneaky one," Ironhide growled. "Even before he was a 'Con."

I looked up at him in surprise. "You knew Barricade before he was a Decepticon?"

"Not really," Ironhide said. "Not as much as Bumblebee did."

My mouth fell open as my feet froze. Ironhide noticed this and frowned.

"He didn't tell you, did he?"

I shook my head. Ironhide sighed ad led me over to a bench.

"Well, you'll have to learn sooner or later," he said as we sat down. "Before Barricade and Bumblebee were rivals... They were friends."

"Wait, Bumblebee and Barricade were friends?!" I exclaimed.

"They were much different back then then how they are now," Ironhide told me. "Barricade was an orphan living on the streets, and Bumblebee was quite the rebel."

"Wait, Bumblebee?" I asked skeptically. "A rebel?"

""They were young, preteens in human years," Ironhide said. "Bumblebee met Barricade one day and the two of them discovered that they had a bit in common: both had lost their homes, and their families, and felt as if they were alone. After awhile, they... Spark Bonded."

I raised an eyebrow. "Spark Bonded?"

"When Cybertronians develop deep feelings or strong friendships, they sometimes do what we call Spark Bonding," Ironhide explained. "When you create a Spark Bond with someone, you share each other's thoughts and feelings, almost like you share the same soul. There are a rare few who are born with it, like Sunstreaker and Sideswipe, Chromia and her sisters, and Mudflap and Skids. They have what we call a Sibling Bond."

"There's different types of Bonds?" I asked.

Ironhide nodded. "The Bond Bumblebee and Barricade had was a Brother Bond. A Brother Bond is almost like a Sibling Bond, but it's not quiet as strong."

"So the strength of a Bond depends on its type?" I mused.

"Yup," Ironhide confirmed. "The strongest Bonds are the unbreakable ones: Spark Mate Bonding, which is what me and Chromia, and Optimus and Elita have, Creator Bonding, and Sibling Bondings. Anyways, they remained friends until one day, Barricade revealed his true colors. He tricked Bumblebee into breaking into one of our bases with him, and tried to make him download all our battle plans. Being an orphan, Barricade had to do whatever it took to survive, and Megatron was offering a pretty good price for Autobot intel. When Bumblebee found out, he refused to help Barricade and... And he broke their Bond."

I could see a glimmer of sadness and pity in Ironhide's eyes before he continued. "There are two Bonds that can be broken: Friendship Bonds, and Brother Bonds. To break them is like the ultimate betrayal towards the one you Bonded with. But it takes a toll on you, and the only way to truly recover is to create a permanent Bond. When Bumblebee broke the Bond, Barricade became angry and attacked him. Both were weak from the Bond Breaking, but Barricade was older and stronger. Lucky, an Autobot soldier found them and managed to get Bumblebee to a medic. Barricade, on the other hand, escaped and pledged his loyalty to Megatron in hopes of getting revenge. That was the day Bumblebee became an Autobot, and Barricade became a Decepticon."

"You were the Autobot soldier, weren't you?"

Ironhide nodded grimly. Suddenly, he stiffened. There was concern and fear in his eyes as he stood up.

"We need to get back to the hotel, now."

I frowned as I stood up and followed him.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Chromia just contacted me through our Bond. Barricade's known the plan all along and now he knows where you are."

"But I thought Optimus said that they found him," I said, slightly confused.

Ironhide turned to me so that I could see the fear in his eyes.

"Optimus never contacted us."

"T-then who did?"

"That would be me."

Ironhide pushed me behind him as Barricade stepped out from behind the California Screamin'. Barricade eyed me hungrily before looking down at Ironhide.

"Well, Ironhide. Long time, no see," he sneered. "I didn't take you for a babysitter."

Ironhide growled at him. "How did you find us?"

"It was pretty easy, actually," Barricade said with a shrug. "I just had Frenzy hack into your com-links and followed the trail. Now hand over the girl."

Ironhide glared at him before looking down at me. His eyes flickered towards something behind Barricade, indicating for me to look. I followed his gaze before looking back at him, understanding what he was planning. Ironhide gave me a quick wink before disappearing.

"Well," Barricade said, sounding a bit surprised. "That was easy."

I  looked behind Barricade to see the black GMC Topkick C4500 racing towards him.

"You sure about that?" I said with a smirk.

Barricade frowned before turning around just as Ironhide transformed.

"Oh, shit."

I barely ducked in time as Ironhide tackled Barricade.

"Alyssa, RUN!"

I didn't need to be told twice. I didn't even look back as I ran. I pushed my way past people as I tried to get to the entrance. Of course, the place would be crowded now.

"Hey, watch out!"

The warning came too late. I felt an electric shock spread through my body before I collapsed. The last thing I saw was Frenzy walking towards me before I was consumed by darkness.


"I'm surprised with you, Hide," Barricade said as he dodged another one of my punches. "Why are you trying so hard to protect the girl you almost killed?"

I growled as I lunged for Barricade. The bastard was able to move out the way in time.

"Why do you want her so badly?" I demanded. "I thought 'Cons despised humans!"

"Not the hot ones," Barricade joked before turning serious. "But I think we both know the reason, right?"

"She will never Bond with you," I hissed.

"Oh, she will," Barricade growled. "If she wants to live." Suddenly he smirked. "Speaking of the girl, would you say I distracted you long enough for Frenzy to find her?"

I felt my spark freeze. How could I had been so stupid?!

"I'd love to stay and chat," Barricade sneered. "But my new Spark Mate and I have some Bonding to do. And don't even think about following us, or I will kill her."

I growled as Barricade transformed and drove off. I failed to protect her... And had failed Bumblebee too.

'Chromia,' I said through our Bond. 'It's Barricade. He took Alyssa.'

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