I'm Sorry =BONUS=

392 26 4

I activated my holoform before diving into the water. Alyssa was halfway to the bottom when I reached her. I quickly grabbed her before heading back go the surface and dragging her to land. There was no movement. Her skin was pale and cold as ice, and there was a blue tint to her lips. Her pulse was weak, and her breaths were shallow.


No answer.

"Alyssa, wake up!"


"HELP!" I yelled. "SOMEONE HELP!"

Sirens and voices filled the air.

"Alyssa, stay with me!" I pleaded. I couldn't lose her, not now! "Don't leave me! ALYSSA!"


I sat silently in the waiting room, worried sick about Alyssa. Was she alright? Was she dying? ... Was she already dead?


I looked up to see Optimus and Ironhide's holoforms standing over me. Both looked concerned, and I could've sworn there were tears in Ironhide's eyes.

"H-how is she?" Ironhide asked in a soft voice.

"... I don't know," I said quietly.

Ironhide turned away. "This is all my fault," he said, his voice cracking. "I was suppose to keep her safe, and I failed."

"Ironhide-" Optimus began.

"No!" Ironhide snapped. "I was trying to keep her safe from the beginning! Everything I ever did was to protect her! And now-"

"Where is she?"

It was then that I noticed that the others had arrived. Not a single one of them tried to hide their concern for Alyssa.

"Is she alright?" Dino asked. 

"We don't know," Optimus said sadly. "They haven't told us yet."

Sullen silence fell over us. I felt tears run down my face as I looked away from everyone.

"I should had never become her friend," I said softly. Everyone looked at me in shock.

"Bee..." Jazz whispered.

"Excuse me, Benjamin Pax?"

We all turned to face the nurse who had entered the room. She looked around nervously before turning to me.

"Um, the doctor says you can see your friend now," she said.

I stood before following her to out of the room.

"How is she?" I asked the nurse.

"Her left leg is broken, and five of her ribs are cracked," the nurse replied. "She also had moderate hypothermia, but she's better now."

I nodded as she led me into Alyssa's room. It took all of my strength to not break down when I saw her.

"I'll leave you two alone," the nurse said before leaving.

As soon as she had left, I went to Alyssa's side. Most of the color had returned to her face, but she was still unconscious. She looked so delicate, so frail.

"Alyssa," I said softly as I stroked her cheek. "I'm so sorry I wasn't able to protect you. I'm sorry that I dragged you into this mess. Things would've been better if we had never met. If I had stayed away from you, you would be safe. But I can't deny the fact that I love you, and that I don't want to lose you." Tears were streaming down my face. "Alyssa, please, please stay with me."

I looked away from her, unable to hold myself together. I was sure that she wouldn't wake up, that she hadn't heard a word of what I said. Then, I heard her voice, soft and sweet as music.


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