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~~Disassembled~~ An II Fan-Fic

Narrator POV:
Season 2 ended after Balloon and Nickel got voted out, as Mephone4 had died when he was arguing with his assistant Toilet, Toilet was done with his hurtful words, and pushed him off a cliff out of rage and Mephone4 fell in water, then Toilet flew away, never to be seen again. Everyone misses their favorite fat slob of a host, meanwhile Paper has had a crush on OJ for a while, so has balloon, one day OJ got with Salt. Neither of them liked that, balloon was a puppeteer and paper was very sneaky and strong when he wanted to be ever since he made an agreement with Crazy Eyes, (Evil Paper), that he would let him be out as long as he didn't cause TOO much mischief. So far he had done good, but when OJ and Salt got together they both had the same things on their shared mind.

(A/N: Hiii, yeah this is a passion project me and my cousin are making, I'm the writer my cousin makes the art. (Not anymore she's being a lazy cunt and keeps forgetting so the art is terrible because I have to make it but we planned it together so yah) Btw there are ships in this because the literal plan name in google is "Gay Yandere murder" sooo, yeah if you don't like those 3 words I suggest you don't keep reading, but if you don't care, than enjoy!)

Also 1 read and I actually continue this because I have like 4 or 5 chapters done already (I was waiting for my cuz to make the title but you already know why she didn't) anyways I'll put chapter 1 in so you can see if you like this and actually want to read it

Posted 3/24/24
319 words

Disassembled - An II fan-ficWhere stories live. Discover now