Chapter 2 - annoyance

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Chapter 2:

3 weeks after Salt's death.

I'm having fun cleaning the hotel today, I actually got a decent sleep! (For once.) But Yin-Yang is being a rascal again, it's so damn annoying. Well, mainly just Yang, not Yin. Even though they are 21 I swear mentally they are 5. I just cleaned up spray paint off a singular wall 5 times!! They are really getting on my nerves, oh hey, there are my best friends, Paper and Balloon! "Hey Balloon! Hey Paper! What are you two up to today?" I said happily, I had completely forgotten what happened to Salt 3 weeks ago. "O-Oh hey OJ! What has you so happy today?" Balloon responded. "Yeah, I thought you were upset about-" Balloon nudged Paper before he finished that sentence, but I already remembered what happened to Salt. "Oh yeah... I sorta forgot... I'm a bad boyfriend aren't I?" I whimpered.

Balloon's POV:
I nudged Paper in the arm very hard so he wouldn't remind OJ of Salt so OJ wouldn't be sad, but he already had. I glared at Paper "You made OJ sad, you fucking dick!" I whispered to Paper, "I didn't mean to!" he whispered back. I then listen to what OJ had said then I hugged him. "No OJ you were a great boyfriend! You make anyone jealous of how you treat your partner, I bet Salt wishes best for you wherever she is!" I say. Hopefully in Hell. I thought. I'm pretty sure Paper agrees with me. But then OJ pretty much snaps out of it and goes back to his manager mode as he sees Yin-Yang Spray painting the walls. "Dangit Yin-Yang! That's the 6th time today!" OJ exclaimed. "No, the 10th! We did this on each floor of the hotel!" Yang said. "You mean YOU did!" Yin said. "Whatever! Mwahahaha!" Yang exclaimed as he ran upstairs to his room. "WHY YOU LITTLE- UUUGGGHHH!" OJ groaned, "YOU'RE 21! PLEASE ACT LIKE IT!" OJ yelled. "Ugh, he aggravates me so much." OJ groaned. I looked at Paper and Paper looked at me, we had a puppet to make. But first we helped OJ clean up, of course.

Crazy Eyes's POV:
Paper let me back in control, him and Balloon filled me in on our soon to be, quote unquote, "puppet". Seems like Yin-Yang messed with the wrong juice. I know how to get them where I need them, Dr. Fizz, and water.

Yin-Yang's POV:
"I hate reading books, Yin! It's boring!" I said to Yin. "We can read a picture book and you look at the pictures." Yin said back. ".. Fine. But I'm not reading words!" I told Yin. "Fine with me." "Fine!" "Fine!" "Fine!" "Fi-" I was about to win the Fine! battle against Yin but then Crazy Eyes came in and offered me Dr. Fizz! He also offered Yin stupid water. He also said to follow him he had something cool to show us! So I agreed to follow, he gave me Dr. Fizz after all, why wouldn't I follow him? (That was Yang) I was having a Fine! battle with Yang and then Crazy Eyes came into our room and gave me water! But he also gave Yang that unhealthy Dr. Fizzy or whatever it's called, he also told us he wanted to show us something cool so I agreed to follow him. (That was Yin) We followed Crazy Eyes to this hidden closet we never knew existed in the hotel, which behind it was another door that was locked. He had a key though and opened it, I honestly wanted to see him break the door down instead but he's not cool so he didn't. I saw Balloon at a desk and something hanging down from the ceiling, I couldn't say what because Crazy Eyes's fat ass was in the way, but he finally moved and went into the room. As I walked in I saw a puppet... but not a normal puppet... it looked like.. "S-salt?" Yin uttered, it looked like it had some dried blood in it, and it looked like it had fresh salt in it too.. that couldn't be her.. right? Maybe I should tell OJ..(That was Yang) We were about to leave the room but we felt 1 hand on each of our shoulders, we felt them tighten, we knew it was Crazy Eyes but we instantly felt a feeling of unease. When we looked at Balloon he looked back with an evil smirk, we could feel Crazy eyes pulling on us, but he was pulling in seperate ways. "Hey, cut it out!" Yang/I exclaimed. But he pulled harder.
and harder,
and harder,
It hurt so much, then we felt liquid drip down our face.. it was.. red.. and warm... and then... we stopped hearing each other's thoughts, or anything at all and we saw each other and looked at each other straight in the eye... then we weren't connected.. and then everything went black... (that was Yin-Yang)

Balloon's POV:
I watched as Crazy Eyes ripped Yin-Yang in half, impressive to be honest. But now I have a puppet to make. "Go wash yourself off Crazy Eyes." I said. Then he walked over to the sink and washed himself off, I grabbed Yin's half of his body and then Yang's half. I sewed them together and didn't care to wipe off the blood, I could feel Crazy Eyes watching with amazement over my shoulder. I ripped the limbs off the body and put on wooden puppet ones, I put a white button on Yang's eye and sewed it on, then I put a black one on Yin's eye and sewed it on. I put on the things to puppeteer our newest puppet and hung them up on the ceiling.

2 weeks after Yin-Yang's death.

"First it was salt... now Yin-Yang's missing as well... I feel so bad! The last thing I ever said to him was just an insult! Why did I have to be so rude?! Why do people keep going missing?! They are my friends!! Why them?! Why not me?! Please say I'll see them again.. please oh please..." I whispered to myself, moping. "Why is it this way? Oh god... please let them be okay.. please please please!!" I felt the salty tears come out from my eyes and drip down my face, and fall on my desk. It was a bad feeling... "I hate it.. I hate how they are missing. I hate it, I hate it, I HATE IT!" I whispered to myself, but then Bomb came in my office and walked up to me, so I wiped away my tears and sat up straight at my desk, my lips still trembling and my hands shaking a bit, hopefully he didn't notice. "Oh hey Bomb, do you need something?" I said. "No," He said, "But I know you do." He said to me and then he hugged me, he patted my back. I couldn't hold it in and started sobbing and I hugged Bomb back, the salty tears flowing out of my eyes like faucets... this felt good... bomb is a great friend, maybe I overreacted in season one about him "bEtRaYiNg" me.. maybe he'll be my friend again.. I'd like that.

(A/N: I felt pain making this one. Me and my cousin like Yin-Yang but it just made most sense to kill him off though so... sorry fellow Yin-Yang lovers. Also I'm gonna stop marking the time of deaths soon, so if you wanna know that bad then calculate yourself the months and weeks <3 )

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