Chapter 4 - Soapy pools

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Chapter 4:

2 months and 3 weeks after Salt's death, 2 months after Yin-Yang's death, and 3 weeks after Bomb's death.

Add It's been so hard managing the hotel lately... I
mean Paper does the taxes and Balloon does the shopping for the hotel now since I haven't been able to do as much since everyone has been going missing, I've spent more time looking for them and putting up missing posters to be able to manage everything at the hotel... I still do the cleaning but it's hard to not think of them all, and all of the memories I had with them... The good and the bad ones, it makes me feel sad but happy at the same time... I'm cleaning at the moment but I keep spacing out and dropping things and walking into others and walls, I had just dropped a soda can because I spaced out and when I went to grab it someone grabbed it and handed it to me. My vision was a bit blurry still from spacing out but then my eyes focused and Soap was handing me the soda can. "Need some help cleaning?" She said, "Y-Yeah... that would be nice... I could use a little help managing the hotel... thanks Soap." I said back. I was still drowsy and tired, but it put a small smile on my face.. even if we barely know each other.. she's always been so kind to me... to... well... everyone... I also never have to clean up after Tissues now so... maybe I can hire her to help out? She has been looking for a job lately.. and I know a bit about her so... I'll ask her tomorrow, I still have a lot to do. "Happy to help, OJ." Soap said, I'm gonna make sure she gets a good pay if she agrees to work at the hotel.

1 month later...

Balloon's POV:
"Soap is such an asshat! She is just trying to steal our OJ!!! She needs to back the hell away from our OJ! Just tryna impress him and always trying to steal OJ from us! She only accepts half of her paycheck just to impress OJ! She can't just steal OUR OJ!" I said in a furious tone. "Chill out, you don't want OJ to get suspicious of us do you?" Paper said, poking me in the shoulder, I slapped his hand away, I wasn't in the mood. "How about I- ..." I wondered why Paper stopped talking and I looked at him, his face was terrifyingly mad, I haven't seen him be that mad before, but he wasn't looking at me, I looked around to see what he was looking at, then I saw it, Soap had OJ on her shoulders and was running around things and picking up trash, OJ looked surprised and anxious, at one point she almost dropped him! And he was having more fun with her than he has with us recently! Paper stood up and grabbed my wrist and dragged me into another room, I don't think he's very happy. For the next hour I listen to him insult and talk about Soap and how she could have hurt OJ, also my wrist hurts. I think he sprained it when dragging me into his room.

Paper's POV:
I stalked Soap throughout the day, I found out she was gonna go in the pool and dip her feet in after she cleaned it, so I waited for night time to come around and I went to the pool room, soap was there and was dipping her feet in the pool, I went behind her and pushed her in, she swam back up and tried to get back up, I was gonna leave and let that be her warning for almost hurting OJ but she saw my face before I could walk away. "What the hell Paper?! I know that's not Crazy Eyes' doing! Why did you do that?! I'm gonna tell OJ and he's gonna be mad at you!" She exclaimed, I turned back towards her. "Oh you would? I guess I better advance my warning..." I said bluntly, "Wait what do you mean by that-" Soap blurted out, before I kicked her back in the water and jumped in after, grabbing her neck are forcing her to stay under the water, I made my hood go over my face just in case. Water splashed me in the face occasionally because Soap tried to fight back, it was worthless though. Her lungs eventually filled with water and she drowned. I got out of the pool and made sure my hood covered most of my face, I dragged Soap's body out of the pool but I heard something so I looked where the sound came from and I saw OJ staring at me in fear, he seemed like he was frozen in place out of fear. "W-Who are you?!" OJ exclaimed, I started walking towards him, dragging Soap's body by her ankle, then let go of it as I got closer to him, he started to back up as I inched closer, he eventually backed up into the wall and I pinned him against it so he wouldn't run away and get me caught. "P-please d-don't hurt me! I won't t-tell a soul I-I swear!" OJ said terrified, I just stayed silent then I deepened my voice so he didn't know it was me, "Now why would I do that? I wouldn't even think of doing that to you... but if you tell anyone, I'll hurt them, got it?" I said. He nodded, he was shaking a bit. "Good." I said, then I grabbed Soap's body and walked out with a hum, I texted Balloon that I have puppet material for him and I threw Soap's body into the puppet room, then I went to my room.

I took a shower and changed my clothes since I was soaking wet, I sat down on my bed and played on my phone for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes I put my phone down and lay down and almost go to sleep but then OJ bursts in then slams the door shut and locks it, then he shakes me and says my name.

"H-huh? OJ? Why are you- OJ are you crying?! What's wrong?!" I said, he didn't see past my facade. "S-Soap! He got her! It's my fault I wasn't there I-" "Woah OJ slow down! Tell me what happened bit by bit okay?" OJ nodded at me and took a deep breath, he explained what he saw in the pool room detail by detail, once he finished I patted him on the back. "Do you want to sleep in here tonight if it makes you feel any better? I could get Balloon to lay on my bed too with us if it makes you feel better." I said, OJ nodded and hugged me. "Th-thanks Paper.. I would like that..." OJ said, "Here I'll call him right now, but I'm gonna go brush my teeth okay?" "Okay..." I went to the bathroom and called Balloon and told him the situation and he agreed to lay in the same bed as me and OJ to comfort him, he also called me an, and I quote, "Stupid ass idiot bitch covk sucking mother fucker", for scaring OJ. I brushed my teeth and washed my hair because I smelled like chlorine in a pool and I didn't want OJ to not trust me.

When I went back out there Balloon was humming to OJ to calm him down. I sat down next to them and talked to them until OJ eventually fell asleep. When we knew that OJ was definitely asleep and not faking it, Balloon flicked me in the nose. "Ow! What the hell?! Asshole!" I whispered, to not wake up OJ. "That's what you get for scaring him you bitch ass-" Balloon whispered back. "Ok, ok, shut up! You'll wake up OJ! But, fair." I whispered.

Yang's POV:
"Yang! It's your turn to watch over the heaven portals!" Yin nagged, ever since me and Yin died we got our own body's but we still bugged each other every now and then, but now it was my turn to watch over the portals that we use to bring people up here when they die. "Fine!" I said, then noticed that Soap's portal was glowing, I reached down and felt someone grab my hand, I pulled them up and said, "Hi again, Soap! Welcome to Object Hea-" "OMG YANG WE ARE SO SORRY! YOU HAD TO DIE SO EARLY!" Soap exclaimed, she hugged me and cried, I pat her on the back, it's difficult having to see people you are close to die. "So, uhh... how did you die?" I asked, trying to make small talk. Soap just looked down and said, "... P-Paper drowned me..." she said hesitantly. I sighed, "Jeez... what's up with Paper and Balloon recently?" "W-wait... what?!" "Just go ask Bomb about it... I still don't like telling people how I went... it's difficult for all of us, y'know?" I say. She nods and says, "O-Okay..." "Oh and Yin will show you around, and also we all develop a scar or something that resembles how we died, so me and yin have stitches that go down the middle of our bodies, bomb... I don't know what he has on him to resemble his death but I think he chooses to keep it hidden... salt has an eye in each place she got stabbed in.. so try not to get creeped out, they appear after a day here. You can choose to hide yours though. Since you drowned you might have marks around your neck or sometimes cough up bubbles... I don't know though so don't ask me much." I explain, then she looks at me and says, "Thanks Yang, that helps a bit..." she says gratefully, then walks off.

(A/N: Thanks for reading lol, these took years to make [not really I'm just dramatic] and I just realized chapter 4 wasn't done so I just finished it, but now if you want more chapters they will take longer because I just had the others ready and prepared for posting, but uh yeah, 4 reads and when chapter 5 is ready I'll post it. Thanks for the people who actually like this ily guys, gals, and non-binary pals!)
Posted 3/27/24
1766 words
Hope you enjoyed <3

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