Chapter 5 - Oh snap!

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Chapter 5:

5 weeks later (you get to calculate how long ago they died now)

It's been a month and a week since Soap died... I saw her dead... is there any chance the others are alive? It's already been 4 months since Salt disappeared... 3 months 1 week for Yin-Yang... 2 months for bomb... it's like people I get close to keep going missing and most likely dead with how long they have been missing... I already know Soap is... for fuck's sake I saw her getting drowned... why is it only my friends who die...? Maybe I should distance myself from my other friends... to avoid them being hurt... I don't want to get authorities involved because that person threatened they would do something bad to everyone if I told anyone... I remember that night clearly... no matter how much I try to forget. I think I should just stay away from my friends... just in case that's the reason why people go missing...

Crazy Eyes (Evil Paper) POV:
"OJ has been ignoring us ALL day. Is he mad at us or something?!" I ranted to Balloon, I wanted OJ's attention. "I doubt it, there's nothing he could be mad about with us." Balloon replied, I just gave him an, 'are you serious right now?' look. "Okay well maybe that, but he doesn't know about that. Plus it's not just us he's ignoring. The only time he talks to someone is in the Hotel OJ group chat." Balloon said, "But what if he does?!" "He doesn't." Okay now Balloon is pissing me off. Then we both get a notification on our phones and it's a message from the Hotel OJ group chat, OJ wanted everyone to meet up in the lobby. So we left our room and went to the lobby. "Hey OJ." I said, OJ looked at me and said, "Oh hey Crazy Eyes, what happened to Paper?" He said. "He wanted to take a nap so I'm in control right now." "Oh, okay, well can you tell him about the meeting when he's awake? He need to know too." OJ asked. "Sure." I replied then sat down, eventually everyone came and sat somewhere and OJ started speaking. "Okay everyone... I know we all are worried about our friends, and I know that most of the people missing are more then likely dead with how long they have been gone... we are all having trouble accepting the fact 4 of us are missing and 3 of them are sadly probably somewhere else..." He then looked like he was on the verge of tears, you could see it in his eyes, hear it in his voice, and see him shaking a bit, everyone there felt bad for OJ as they could relate but he was friends with all them so it definitely hurt him the most. Then Mic stood up, "Well what about Soap? It's only been 1 month and a week! We can't jump to conclusions there, right?" She said. What an idiot. Of course you should jump to conclusions, it's correct anyway. "A-About that..." OJ said, his voice shaky. Everyone was definitely curious now. "I... I know what happened to her... and... I..." He started crying, he felt guilty, but it's for his own good anyway! She was gonna steal him from us! So she deserved it. "Hey, Crazy Eyes? Did Paper tell you what happened...? Because I told him and... I can't say it.." "Don't worry OJ, I can say what happened." I told him, then he sat down near Balloon and Balloon held him as I walked over to where OJ was standing. "So basically OJ walked into the pool room and saw a figure in a black hoodie drowning Soap. Then the figure approached him and said in a deep voice to keep his mouth shut or he'd hurt his friends, and I know you might be thinking, 'Well then why did he tell us?', because then the person can't hurt all of us." Then I saw Pepper leave, I needed to make sure she didn't find the puppet room. "Now if you excuse me, I gotta go take a shit." I said, then left to secretly watch Pepper. "S-Soap is dead? N-No! She can't be! Oh please no!" Mic bursted out into tears and Knife comforted her. But I didn't pay attention as I was busy now.

Pepper POV:
I couldn't just sit there and mope, I have to investigate. I need to know what happened to my BCFF! So I walked down the hallways, up stairs, I felt like I was being watched but I didn't care.

I continued doing that until eventually I smelled something like, terrible, like worse then the normal hotel smell, then I saw a gap in the wall??? Like some like, door? I put my fingers in it and it like, opened up a room! I went in the room and saw... no... but... that's impossible... "S-Salt...? Yin-Yang? Bomb? Soap? W-why? What did they like do to deserve this?" I said, this was like, horrifying!

Then I heard the door shut behind me and I turned around to see Paper- oh wait that's Crazy Eyes. But he doesn't look as scared as me. "Tsk tsk tsk, stupid Pepper, you really should know privacy! Oh well, guess I'm gonna have to add a new puppet to our collection." He said, I felt a shiver go down my spine.

"P-Puppet? Our? Y-You... no... you couldn't have-"

"Killed Salt? Well, maybe OJ should've picked the right option. Not any of them, and Yang was too much of a menace. I'd feel sorry for Yin, but I can't have any witnesses. And yes, OUR, me and Balloon! Also Paper of course but he's tired so I took over today. But speaking of no witnesses..." He said and approached me, I slowly scooted back and away from him.

"W-Wait! Please! I don't want to die!" I exclaimed, he stopped but kept looking with an evil smirk.

"How about this," he said, "I let you choose how you die, and that's how I will kill you!"

"O-old age?" I said.

"No." He hissed, "Hurry up and pick or I will kill you slowly and painfully, just like I did with Salt. Your choice!" He said, pulling a knife out of his pocket and fiddling with the blade of it.

"W-What's stopping me from yelling everything I just heard at the top of my lungs...? I know this room isn't sound proof, and definitely not smell proof." I said in a shaky tone ("If I go out dying, I'm dying for a reason.") I thought.

"Hmm, you are right. You know I never thought you could be smart. Fine, I'll let you go. But you tell no one, got that?" He said, putting the knife back in his pocket.

"O-O-Okay..." I said, I wasn't going to completely trust him, but he moved out of the way of the door and unlocked it. So I walked towards it.

"Ladies first!" He said as I passed by and grabbed the door handle, but then I felt him grab my head, then everything turned dark.

"Stupid Pepper, you really thought I'd let you go easily? Haha! Nope." He said before I heard a snapping noise and then everything went dark and silent.

But eventually I saw a bright light above me, and a hand, and call me obsessed all you want but I recognized that hand instantly! It was Salt's hand! I grabbed it and then I saw everyone else who went missing! But wait, where was everyone else?

"Salt! I thought you died! Oh hey, there is everything else that went missing! Wait, where are we?" I asked Salt. She looked down at me sadly.

"About that..."

(A/N I got chapter 5 done I just kept forgetting to post it lol,  anyway the title of the chapter was basically how i made fun of pepper's death [her neck snapped if you didn't get that in the chapter, also every "..." turned into "â€|" so i had to fix that so if you see that ignore it.  But anyways, 5 reads I'll make and post chapter 6.)
1393 words

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