Honor Thy Ed (My Version) Part 2

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[The kids all leave. The Eds and Katie continue down the stairs. The door continues its ride until it runs into a wall. The four end up in front of a mirror.]

Eddy: "Oh, my aching head!" [In the mirror, his head is oddly shaped.]

Double D: [rising to his feet] "That was quite an experience." [His head looks odd as well.] "Is it me, or do our heads look like yams?"

Ed: [standing in front of a mirror, which shows his butt as incredibly large] "Big butt, so what."

Katie: (stands in front of a mirror, which shows her now very tall) "Oooh! I look so tall! Just like my big sister!"

Double D: [realizing] "It's a mirror! A room full of mirrors!"

Eddy: "Sweet!"

Double D: "Yams. What was I thinking?" [He spots a book.] "Look at that! A poor, defenseless book, abandoned and tossed aside, like some cheap comic! Who would do–" [He spots another on a flight of stairs.] "Interesting. There seem to be–Ooh! Look, another one!" [He follows a trail up the stairs.]

Eddy: [the mirror showing his chest as large and muscled] "Check this out, guys. Take a load off your eyes."

[Behind Ed, a dumbwaiter comes into place, a box of Chunky Puffs inside it. Ed turns to look.]

Ed: "Chunky Puffs! Yum yum yum!"

Katie: (looks around in curiosity walks away from The Eds)

[Ed dives into the dumbwaiter and begins eating. The dumbwaiter goes up again almost immediately after he gets in.]

Eddy: "Ed? Double D? Katie? Where the heck are they?" [He scratches his head and notices that the doorknob holder is still stuck to his finger.] "I hate you! Knob holder thing!" [He strains to get it off his finger.]

Double D: [coming to the top of the stairs] "Can someone so well-read be so illiterate? I ask you. Oh, another one!"

[Double D gasps. He has entered a very-well stocked library.]

Double D: "Rapture."

[Eddy is still in the basement. Suddenly, the floor moves beneath his feet.]

Eddy: "Where's the room going? Where am I going?" [The rug sucks him into the base of the stairs by which they entered.] "HELP! The staircase is eating me!"

Double D: "Books upon shelves upon walls of literature!" [He spots a book put in sideways.] "Bohemian! Someone's really trying my patience."

[Double D runs off and returns with a mobile ladder. He climbs the ladder and sets the book right.]

Double D: "Perfectly shelved."

[Double D climbs down the ladder. As he does so, a trapdoor opens, revealing more ladder rungs.]

Double D: "Now, where was I?"

[Double D continues to climb down, and the trapdoor shuts above him.]

[Eddy spots a piggy bank at the top of the stairs.]

Eddy: "Hello." [filled with greed] "Piggy bank! Money! Come to Papa!"

Double D: [still lowering himself, unaware that he's left the library] "Professor Double D, Book Archivist. I like the timbre of that."

Eddy: [stretching his body up the stairs] "Eddy, filthy rich jawbreaker tycoon. Oh yeah!"

[Eddy grabs the pig, which is on a lever.]

Eddy: "Bingo!"

[Eddy pulls the lever forwards, and the bottom stair lifts up, releasing him. He goes flying forward.]

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