You Can't Do That on Television, Ed (Part 1)

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(We open with The Four Ed Girls in the Websters' living room, The Eds come down the stairs)

Eddy: All right, we'll see you guys in a couple of days.

Kylie: Where are you going?

Ed: We're off to take pictures of pretty ladies in cosplay.

Kylie, Nat and Edna: What?

Eddy: The boys and I are making a twenty-five cent table book called Pretty Ladies in Beautiful Costumes.

Double D: We already got the first chapter right here.

(The girls look at the book, which has pictures of older women cosplayers in pretty and/or beautiful costumes at various locations)

Nat: Where'd you take all these pictures?

Double D: You know, convention centers, birthday areas, all the usual places costumed people go.

Kylie: Boys, you're not doing that. Me, Edna and Nat got a ton of errands to run, and we need your help around here.

Eddy: Well, fine, if I can't do the book I'm gonna hurt something you love.

(He stomps on one of Kylie's mangas, grunting)

Eddy: You happy now?

Double D: Maybe we should all discuss this in the other room. I don't like fighting in front of Katie.

Eddy: No, I want to fight in front of Katie.

Edna: Now, I need you to watch Katie till we get back.

(The three girls leave)

Ed: You stepped on one of Edna's books by mistake.

(We cut to the Eds and Katie in Katie's bedroom)

Eddy: All right, Katie, since your sister says we got to keep an eye on you, we might as well have some time with each other, so I'm gonna punch you and then you're gonna punch me, and we're gonna see whose stronger.

Double D: Doesn't really seem fair. Why don't you let her start?

Eddy: Fine. All right, let's see what you got.

(Cut to The Eds and Katie back in the living room with Eddy feel a pain in his arm after getting punched by Katie)

Ed: The little dickens is getting stronger everyday!

Eddy: Stupid game anyway.

Announcer: Hey, kids, coming up next, it's the ToddWorld marathon.

(Eddy almost changes the channel until Katie stops him)

Katie: No, no, don't switch it. I want to watch ToddWorld!

Eddy: Dang it. We got to spend the rest of the day watching stupid kid shows. I'd rather watch paint dry.

(A bit of ToddWorld plays on The Websters TV)

Todd: Hi I'm Todd and this is my world.

Double D: Heh, who's this?

Eddy: I like this kid. Hey, do you think that girl in that show, Stella is related to Regin- oh, probably not.

(Later they watch much of the marathon together)

Ed: This is the greatest show in the history of the world! Todd, you are a kindred spirit.

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