Push, Ed and Swing (Part 1)

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[At the playground, Katie is walking along and humming.]

Katie: Oh! Playground. [gasps] Look, swing! Swing! Swing. Sa-wing, sa-wing, sa-wing. [she laughs] Yeah.

Ed: Katie, Katie, Katie. Look, Seesaw.

Katie: Ooh. Mm, mm-mm. Uh-uh. I wanna sa-wing!

Double Ed: The swing?

Katie: Mm-hmm. Sa-wing!

[Ed, Double D, Eddy and Katie walk over to the swing set. Eddy shows Katie how to play on it.]

Double D: Katie, watch Eddy.

Katie: [refusing] I wanna swing. I wanna swing!

Double D: Katie, watch Eddy.

Katie: Okay, I'll watch Eddy.

Ed: Careful...

Katie: Mm, careful!

Ed: Slow.

Katie: Slow.

Eddy: Hmm-hmm, hmm.

Katie: Okay, okay, okay. I wanna swing. I wanna swing!

Eddy: Okay.

Katie: I'm gonna swing.

The Eds: Careful! Careful! Slow! Careful! Slow. Careful! Katie!

[Katie falls off the swing.]

Eddy: Squirt?

Katie: [starts to cry]

Ed: (picks Katie up) Oh it's okay baby Katie, a big hug will make you better a bit! There there!

Double D: Kylie! Kylie!

[Kylie rushes over.]

Double D: Kylie. Kylie, Katie fell.

Kylie: Oh, Katie! Oh...I'll take look for boo-boos.

Katie: [crying]

Ed: Katie okay?

Kylie: Yes. She's scared right now.

Katie: [cries]

Kylie: Sis, you okay?

Katie: I'm okay.

Kylie: You wanna keep playing?

Katie: I wanna keep playing.

Kylie: Oh, you're such a big girl.

Katie: Mm-hmm. I'm a big girl.

Eddy: Hey Katie, wanna keep swinging?

Katie: No, no! Bad swing. Bad swing. Bad.

Double D: Bad swing? It's okay.

Katie: No! Bad swing. Bad swing. Wait...wait... [gasps] slide!

Ed: Okay, You can slide.

Katie: Slide! Slide!

Ed: I like slide. Ah. Shall we do it together?

Katie: Together.

(Katie and The Eds go up the slide together)

The Eds and Katie: [together] One, two, three. [sliding together] Whee!

Katie: Again?

Ed: Uh-huh. [laughs]

Katie: Can I go?

Eddy: Yeah go on Squirt.

Katie: Imma big girl. You boys count.

Double D: Mm-hmm.

The Eds and Katie: [all] One, two, three.

Katie: Whee! Who's next?

Ed: I'll go. Ha-ha. Hmm. Katie, look. Tricks!

Katie: Tricks? Ed be careful.

Ed: Mm-hmm. One, two, three. Whee! Whoa!

Katie: Ed! Ed! Ed? Ed you okay?

Ed: I am okay.

Double D: That's good.

Eddy: Ed's made of steel.

Katie: Good. Slide bad. Bad slide. Bad, bad slide.

Double D: No, Katie, Katie, the slide is okay.

Katie: Slide okay?

Double D: Mm-hmm. Slide is okay. Ed is okay. Um, swing is okay.

Katie: Swing okay?

Ed: Swing okay.

Katie: Hmm.

Eddy: Wanna swing?

Katie: Will you help me?

Double D: We'll help you, Katie.

Katie: Imma swing.

(To Be Continued)

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