Chapter 9: Thawing out Frozen Hearts (Glaciator)

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As we landed on the top of the bus, I looked through the driver seat to see the driver struggling to stop the bus.

The bus driver yells, repeatedly pressing his foot on the brake, "It's no good! The brakes are busted!"

"Tell everyone in the back to hold on tight!" I replied as I signalled my teammates.

Dire-Wolf unraveled her chain. "Stinger! Noir! You're up!"

"Ready, Chat Noir?" Stinger asks as she runs ahead.

"I'm always ready, Honeybee! Who needs brakes when they've got us?" the black cat hero answers, throwing his staff towards her.

Stinger catches the staff and slides under the bus, attaching her spinning top to it while wrapping the string around the staff. After the bus passes by her, she throws the staff to Chat, who catches it and extends it between two lampposts. Dire-Wolf wraps the chain around the bus while I pulled on my rope dart to slow down the bus.

Eventually, the bus stopped.

The door opened, allowing us to escort the passengers out of the bus.

The last one to step off the bus is the bus driver, who shakes hands with us, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" he then walks off.

"Phew. That was close." I sighed as I retracted my rope dart.

Dire-Wolf nodded as she stretched her arms.

"So, Stinger. How about you and I go on a date?" Cat Noir asked.

Stinger giggled. "I'm meeting up with some friends of mine today. Don't know why they want me to tag along since it seems more like a double date."

"Well, if your plans end early, maybe you can...join me?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Noir!" I chuckled as Dire-Wolf sighs at our partner's antics.

Stinger smiles, "We'll see. I'll see you later, Kitty." she gives him a kiss on the cheek before swinging away.

"She's getting better. Someday, she might replace Ladybug." Dire-Wolf says as we watch her leave.

"Yeah. But, who'll replace Stinger?" I asked.

"We'll cross that bridge when we get there. For now, let's rest up for the night." Cat Noir told us.

Afterwards, we parted ways.


"I'm heading out!" I told my mother.

"Where are you off to?" She asked me.

"I'm going to met up with the others to get some ice cream at Andre's-."

"Sweetheart's Ice Cream?" My mother asked.

"You know that place?" I asked.

"I've been there a few times. Actually, it's where I first met Sabine sometime when we moved to Paris. She told me that it's where she and Tom first met when they were your age." She smiled.

I chuckled. "Oh yeah. She told me that Tom used a whole bottle of hair gel."

"They say that couples who eat ice-cream at André's will stay in love forever."  My mother told me.

"Well, that's good for Nino and Sabrina as well as Ivan and Mylène!" I replied as I pulled on my jacket.

"That reminds me. Are you and Avaline seeing each other?" My mother asked.

I blushed and played with my hair. "We are."

"Is she trustworthy?" 

"Mama, you met her a few times. She's trustworthy." I sighed.

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