What is Vent Regression?

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What is Vent Regression?

Vent Regression is exactly what it sounds like, a type of regression that you cry, have tantrums, scream into a pillow, etc. You get the idea. It's coping with uncomfortable emotions while regressed. It's the darker side of regression that's not talked about as much.

Isn't this Impure Regression?

Yes, it used to be called this, but most of the age regression community(including me!) collectively despise this term, because, in my opinion, it does two things:

1) implies that this type of regression is not okay to do.

2) implies that this type of regression is not pure, which can imply that this is sexual, which it is not, but the misconception can happen.

My Personal Experience

I use this a lot. As a child, crying for any reason was strongly discouraged and met with yelling, "stfu"s, and rarely, but sometimes, hitting and verbal threats like "I'll give you something to really cry about." So, basically, around seven and eight, I could no longer cry. Even when I wanted to, even when I was alone. I simply couldn't, my mind or body blocked it to protect me, or something like that. In my teens, this made my depression worse, because tears release endorphins, which raise your mood. Regressing after a bad day, or a bad week, usually causes this, at least for me. This provides a safe space for me to deal with my negative emotions safely.

What should you do if your regressor does this?

First of all, a little disclaimer. I'm not a caregiver, and I've never had one, but these are just something that I would find unhelpful.

Edit: i have a cg now,  but disclaimer still applies 

I'd just like to say please don't punish this. This can make the regressor feel as if they can only experience and express positive emotions while regressed. 


Do you use vent regression?

My answer:


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